Ohio DOT’s Online CE System Presented by Kevin E. Davis Environmental Supervisor Office of Environmental Services
Why Did We Go Online? Way past due entering the 21 st Century! Save paper – after all, we are Environmental Services… Improve consistency, and reduce review times, revisions needed, and costs Eliminate redundant documentation
The Old Way Impractical and inefficient CE form existed in two formats Both supported in Word Time intensive process Multiple reviews/revisions Numerous hard copies Numerous mailings between consultants, districts, OES and reviewing agencies
We Finally Had Enough…
…And Embraced the Future
Aims Comply with FHWA/ODOT Programmatic CE Agreement Streamline & standardize preparation of CEs Expedite review and approval process Create data reporting and querying capabilities Eliminate printing and mailing costs Improve project delivery time
Timeline Submitted request to IT Governance Council in Feb Initially approved in late Spring 2010 – began March 2011 Deployed in May 2012 Phase 2 Enhancements deployed April 2015 Phase 3 Enhancements have begun – deploy Dec Continual enhancements anticipated…
System Interactions
System Highlights Designed in wizard-type format TurboTax for CEs Security Groups Users are placed in one of five groups Registration process for external users Integrates specific data from ELLIS Review and Approval Process Re-evaluation Process Electronic Signatures
System Highlights Home page Create Project View Standard Reports Start Re-evaluation Recently Viewed Projects Task Queue Project file Supported by SharePoint
System Highlights Form Adminstration Tab Identifies ODOT, FHWA, and consultant personnel Controls access to a project Specific disciplines are included P&N, Alternatives, Section 4(f), Ecological, EJ, etc. Automatic notifications When a task is assigned and documents are uploaded User can comment and respond to comments
Project File All documentation related to a project Reports, technical documents, mapping, ROW plans, etc. Documents electronically uploaded No size limitations User can “name” documents or select from menu provided Check-out/check-in feature Facilitates track changes and comments Avoids versioning Documents can be designated as Part of CE or Not For Public Use
Review and Approval In-house CEs Majority prepared, reviewed, and approved by district staff Typically lower level (C1, C2 and possibly D1) Higher level CEs Tasked out to consultants Submitted to districts for review Districts will assign to appropriate OES Policy Liaison OES Policy Liaison will assign, as appropriate, to SMEs (Subject Matter Experts) for each discipline This process includes providing comments within the system and facilitating revisions needed
What’s Next? Currently developing additional enhancements (Phase 3) Primarily to comply with NEPA Assignment Correct minor bugs/issues Provide user friendly tools for data reporting and querying purposes Integrate with existing databases within ODOT Public access
Lessons Learned Develop a Communication Plan Updates via can be ineffective Business rules initially developed are not always followed OES Policy develop a website dedicated to Online CE Comprehensive Training Go beyond train the trainer Develop on-line modules for consultants and DOT staff