Solar Keymark Certificates for different brand
2 Group Pedro Dias Sören Scholz Jaime Fernandez Gonzalez-Granda Ralf Köbbemann-Rengers Allard Slomp François-Xavier Ball Hans Peter Weiss João Santos Jan Erik Nielsen
Current text – The first family of certified collectors or first family of systems is considered a main type. After the first certificate is granted for a collector or a system, the rest of certificates granted for collectors or for systems are all considered subtypes. – In a case where a manufacturer already has a certified collector and wishes to certify a new family of collectors and this new family will have many different trademarks, there are two options: All trademarks are listed into one certificate. It is considered as a subtype and the fee to be paid is the “subtype fee” Each trademark has its own certificate. Each certificate will have a different number and each trademark is considered as a subtype. The fee for each certificate is the “subtype fee”
Certification of different brands Discussion ground: – Simplify process Smooth the creation of new brands (exports) Clarify process Reduce bureaucracy – Ensure quality assurance Provide different certificate numbers Facilitate surveillance of SK certificates – Reduce certification costs for manufacturers Not jeopardising SKN costs A B
Currently B Main type A Subtype A B
6 Is the license holder for Solar KEYMARK the manufacturer of the product? Is it the aim to sell the product “concealed” with different names or brands? Is the company, who want to use the Solar KEYMARK, interested in being a license holder? Option A Same certificate with amended brand or product name Pros and contras + Cheapest solution (no extra license fees) - It is obvious for the market that it is the same product. Option B New certificate with different Reg. No. no yes Option D Mentioning of original certificate holder, Reg. No., and product name no Pros and contras + Cheap solution - It is obvious for the market that it is the same product. - extra license fee Pros and contras + It is not obvious for the market that the certificate holder is not the manufacturer. - complete certification fees Pros and contras + no license fees - The user may contact directly the manufacturer Certificate Company A (OEM) Manufacturer A Product name/brand B Reg. No. xxx-0002 Certificate Company A (OEM) Manufacturer A Product name/brand A Product name/brand B Reg. No. xxx-0001/rev. 1 Reg. No. xxx-0001 Certificate Company C (OBL) Manufacturer A (OEM) Product name/brand C Reg. No. xxx-0003 License Fees for company A: (no extra fees) CEN: 300 € SKN: 50 € Certificate (OEM) Company A Manufacturer A Product Brand A Reg. No. xxx-0001 License Fees for company A : (charging as sub-type) CEN: 60 € SKN: 230 € License Fees for company B: (charging as main type) CEN: 300 € SKN: 50 € License Fees for company: (no fees) CEN: 0 € SKN: 0 € Option C New certificate with different Reg. No. Use of Solar KEYMARK for other brands, product names, and sellers (OEM and OBL) yes Certificate Company A (OEM) Manufacturer A Product name/brand A Reg. No. xxx-0001
Proposal Main type A Subtype A (family) B Subtype B (brand) A
Next steps Draft proposal – Editing Annex C and Annex G – 26/04 – Presentation for discussion at SKN Spring Final proposal – Review discussion inputs at SKN – Present timely proposal for changes – Fees : propose soft solution – small difference between subtypes in 2015 Revise in 2016 based on number of ST A and STB