F. Scardina INFN-LNS Catania, University of Messina V. Greco, M. Di Toro Jet quenching Dynamics [Based on arXiv: (today) ]
Outline Our simple model Our simple model Quenching observables : Quenching observables : Nuclear modification factor R AA (quarks)/R AA (gluons) linked to the flavour linked to the flavour dependence of ΔE dependence of ΔE Open questions Open questions Simultaneous description of both R AA and V 2 is yet theoretical challenge – “azimuthal puzzle” High P T protons less suppressed than pions - flavor puzzle High P T protons less suppressed than pions - flavor puzzle Conclusion and future developments x y z Elliptic flow
Modelling jet quenching Our model is based on the approximation by which jets lose energy in a bulk medium that is expanding and cooling independently from the jets energy loss. Initial condition Hadronization with AKK fragmentation function D(z) Density profile for the Bulk medium Hard partons distributions in momenta coordinates (pQCD) in space (N coll ) Energy loss (gluon bremsstrahlung,GLV) Glauber Model (Wood Saxon) Sharp Ellipse Constant with
Application of the model to evaluate Integrated for p T > 6 GeV For there are non-perturbative mechanisms (coalescence) π0π0 Au+Au at 200 AGeV
Open questions Azimuthal puzzle Simultaneous description of both R AA and V 2 is yet a theoretical challenge The experimental data show V 2 above theoretical prediction High P T protons less suppressed than pions R AA Au+Au central 0-12% protons pions because they come more from gluons… …and gluons are more suppressed than quarks ΔE for gluons=9/4* ΔE for quarks But protons should be more suppressed R AA (q)/R AA (g)≤1 Flavor puzzle Flavor puzzle R AA (q)/R AA (g)=9/4 Does it mean?
One solution to azimuthal puzzle: Energy loss near Tc Sharp EllipseWood Saxon Predominant energy loss at low T [Liao, Shuryak Phys. Rev. Lett. 102 (2009)] Solution of azimuthal puzzle? We analyze relation between T dependence of quenching and v 2,with R AA fixed on Data they are strongly related 20-30%
R AA (quark)/ R AA (gluon) and Temperature dependence of energy loss The ratio is related to temperature dependence of energy loss it is not necessarely 9/4 The ratio is lower if quenching mainly occur close to T c R AA fixed on experimental data for pions (R AA =0.2) Sharp Ellipse
R AA (quark)/ R AA (gluon) profile dependence Wood Saxon The two profiles show opposite behavior Rigid case is not adequate Sharp Ellipse
Over simplified case: all quarks lose the same amount of energy and all gluons lose ΔE gluon =9/4*ΔE quark Minimal realistic case: 2 classes of quarks quenched + unquenched, always with ΔE g =9/4*ΔE q The ratio is dominated by those particles which do not lose energy Sharp Ellipse: direct relation T τWood Saxon: No direct relation T τ (Surface -> low T also at early times) quenching at low T ( later tau) Many particles escape without E loss ; those in the inner part must be strongly quenched (red dot dash line) quenching at low T E is strong in a layer on the surface -> all particles must cross this layer so all particles lose energy ≠ R AA (quark)/R AA (gluon): profile and T dependence of energy loss
One solution to flavor puzzle:Jet conversion [Ko, Liu, Zhang Phys. Rev C 75] [Liu, Fries Phys. Rev C 77] We also have introduced this mechanism in our code: results confirmed To solve it inelastic collisions that cause a change of the flavor have been invoked [See Ko talk] The conversion rate is given by the collisional width R AA (q)/R AA (g)
without conversion Kc=0 conversion kc=6 E loss at high T GLVc GLV α(T) E loss at low T Exp Correlation R AA (quark)/R AA (gluon)-V 2 (Wood-Saxon) R AA (P T ) fixed on experimental data for pions Lattice QCD EoS state moves V 2 and RAA(q)/RAA(g) to the right To get close to experimental data: DE stronger close to phase transition is need But If E is stronger close to Tc deviations of (T) from the free gas approximation become important - > use lQCD EoS a= 0.15; n=1.89 flavor conversion becomes more necessary E loss at low T EoS lattice QCD 20-30%
Conclusions and Perspective If one goes beyond R AA, a realistic profile for the fireball is needed Different ΔE(T) generate very different R AA (q)/R AA (g) and v 2 Observed v 2 and R AA (q)/R AA (g) seem to suggest a ΔE stronger near Tc + a strong flavor conversion Sensitive to deviation from the free gas expansion (EoS) for Eloss (T~Tc) What goes on for LHC conditions? Future Developments transport code takes into account collisional and radiative energy loss joint to a dynamics consistent with the used EoS [Greiner Group][Catania]
Initial condition Density profile for the bulk In longitudinal direction evolves according to the Bjorken expansion at the velocity of light 1.Glauber Model partecipant distribution 2.Sharp elliptic shape Momenta space High P T partons distribution Coordinates space (N coll ) Dal profilo di densita otteniamo il profilo di T Ideal gas The initial transverse density profile can be modelled in two different way The spectra are calculated in the NLO pQCD scheme [Ko, Liu, Zhang Phys. Rev C 75][Liu, Fries Phys. Rev C 77] The value of the parameters A f,B f and n f are taken from Ref.
Glauber Model The trasverse density profile for the bulk is proportional to the partecipant distribution The hard parton distribution in space coordinates scales with the number of binary Nucleon collision Proiezione lungo l’asse x Density profile for the bulk Density profile for the jet
Hadronization z=p h /p p [S. Albino, B. A. Kniehl, and G. Kramer, Nucl. Phys B597] The parton distribution after the quenching are employed to evaluate the hadron spectrum by indipendent jet fragmentation using the AKK fragmentation function
Ratio R AA (q)/R AA (g) We consider a simplified case in which all quarks lose the the same amount of energy DE and all gluons lose their energy according to DE=9/4*DE Spectra are shifted by a quantity equal to the energy lost Partons that finally emerge with an energy pT Are those which before quenching had an energy pT+ e*η where η=1 for quarks and 9/4 for gluons There is no reason why this ratio must be 9/4
Over simplified case: all quark lose the the same amount of energy and all gluons lose ΔE g =9/4*ΔE quark Minimal realistic case: 2 classes of quarks undergoing different quenching, always with ΔE g =9/4*ΔE q The ratio is dominated by the way the energy loss is distributed among partons Sharp Ellipse: direct relation T τWood Saxon: No direct relation T τ (Surface -> low T also at early times) quenching at high T particles lose energy early; all particle lose energy (dotted line) quenching at high T No DE at the surface but only in the inner part of the fireball (strong DE); particles in the surface escape almost without Eloss quenching at low T ( later tau) Many particles escape without Eloss; those in the inner part must be strongly quenched blue thin line) quenching at low T DE is strong in a layer on the surface -> all particles across this layer so all particles lose energy ≠ R AA (quark)/R AA (gluon): profile and T dependence of energy loss ≠