RKS EBRD TurnAround Management & Business Advisory Services UNDP REGIONAL MEETING OF EAST EUROPEAN GLOBAL COMPACT NETWORKS Charlotte Salford TAM/BAS Director London, 25 April 2007
TAM/BAS Key Facts Complementary programmes assisting private enterprises in the SME Sector Technical assistance programmes operated by the EBRD, part of the SEECCA Banking Group. TAM/BAS Projects with enterprises are 100% Donor Funded
An impressive track record Over 13 years in operation Carried out over 7000 projects in 27 countries Supported enterprises with an aggregate annual turnover of €25 billion and about 1.1 million employees Raised €146 million of donor funding EU has been the biggest single donor providing over €58 million through EAR, PHARE and TACIS
TAM/BAS Field Operations
TAM/BAS Key Facts TAM in a nutshell For companies with 200–1500 employees. Purpose Restructures and introduces new management culture. Method Industry-specific, senior managers from economically-developed countries advise SMEs over a period of months. No local office. BAS in a nutshell For enterprises with 10–250 employees. Purpose Teaches businesses to use external business services. Develops local consultancy sector. Method Local office:3-4 local staff facilitate short-term consultancy projects. Grant provided for maximum 50% of project cost up to €10,000.
TAM/BAS Current Operations Presently TAM/BAS Field Operations include: 217 TAM projects in progress in 24 countries 32 TTCCs and 500 Advisors under active contracts 730 BAS projects in progress 87 BAS personnel in 27 offices in 17 countries
TAM/BAS Impact TAMBASTAM/BAS Turnover€ 17.5 billion€ 10.5 billion€ 25 billion*** Workforce Helped 840,000350, million*** EmploymentMaintained at 90% Increased by 20% - Success Rate*82% *92%**- *EBRD evaluation department reported higher than 90% success rate in TAM projects ** EBRD evaluation department has rated the BAS Programme as “Successful” *** Some enterprises received both TAM and BAS projects. The total turnover and workforce helped does not double count these projects.
Special Initiatives TAM/BAS methodologies are being adapted to: Developing the rural regions in all countries of operation Environmental and Energy Efficiency programmes “Women in Business” programmes New "cross-border" programmes Community Projects Tourism programmes in ETCs Business Incubators More direct linkages with banking established and increased commercial financing mobilised for TAM/BAS companies
Geographical Initiatives Mobilise funding to launch national TAM/BAS Programmes in Russia and Ukraine, with a focus on less developed regions and rural areas; Implement new programmes in Russian regions (TAM and BAS), Ukraine (TAM and BAS), Tajikistan (BAS), North Caucasus (TAM), Turkmenistan (TAM) and Mongolia (BAS); Expand TAM/BAS in the Western Balkans; Expand “Cross-border” BAS Programmes in the South Caucasus (funded by ETCI), and in Central Asia (funded by Japan and Switzerland).
BAS Rural Development Initiative in Central Asia 3 BAS National Offices (soon 4) + 8 BAS Provincial Offices Functions of each Provincial Office: Project generation Consultant qualification Quality control Support to TAM Programme Cooperation with local partners Almaty Ust- Kamenogorsk Kostanai Samarkand Tashkent C h i n a A f g a n i s t a n I r a n I r a q Turkey Aktobe Bukhara Bishkek Osh Andijan Shymkent Dushanbe (starting in April)
Cross-border Initiatives: Example Kyrgyz Republic and Kazakhstan Promotion of cross-border consulting projects –Referrals between BAS teams of individual SMEs or consultants –Especially: support/acceleration of market trends (Bishkek-Almaty, Tashkent-Shymkent, Osh-Andijan, Bishkek-Dushanbe) or introduction of new services Example: Kyrgyz energy efficiency consultant enters Kazakhstan market with BAS
The Women Entrepreneurs Initiative in the South Caucasus Women Entrepreneurs Initiative in the South Caucasus (Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia) started in October 2005 and is funded by Canada. Objectives: Support women identified as having feasible business ideas to enable business start-ups and help the growth of established women-owned enterprises; Contribute to the creation of more formal “Women Networks”, in regions where there are embryonic commercial activities of women (for ex in the tourism or food processing sector); Work closely with the EBRD to improve access to micro lending institutions for these women, based on business plans developed in workshops.
Environmental and Energy Efficiency Initiatives TAM: A TAM Environmental Protection and Energy Efficiency Programme has been operating with Japanese funding since The programme is aimed at utilizing Kyoto Mechanisms, working in heavily polluted regions, promoting international environmental management and health & safety BAS: BAS is implementing an EAR funded Enviro Programme in fYR Macedonia helping SMEs move into compliance with the EU Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control (IPPC) Directive. BAS provided demand studies and technical assistance for the EBRD/Global Environmental Facility (GEF) Programme in Danube River Basin
Business Incubator Initiative TAM/BAS has 3 business incubators: Baku, Azerbaijan; Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic; Podgorica, Montenegro Business incubators are organizations that support the entrepreneurial process. Only entrepreneurs with feasible projects are admitted into the incubators They are offered a specialised menu of support resources and services –physical space, –management coaching, –help in making an effective business plan, –administrative services, –technical support, –business networking, –advice on intellectual property and –sources of financing They provide a 3 year structured development programme
Contact Charlotte Salford TAM/BAS Director +44 (0)