Powerpoint Templates Page 1 Book Two Unit Eight Ms. Yu-Fen JoJo Huang 100/06/10
Powerpoint Templates Page 2 turtle living mainly in water and has a soft body with a hard shell tortoise
Powerpoint Templates Page 3 violin
Powerpoint Templates Page 4 badminton
Powerpoint Templates Page 5 volleyball volley (v.): to hit or kick a ball before it touches the ground, especially in tennis or football
Powerpoint Templates Page 6 drums
Powerpoint Templates Page 7 piano
Powerpoint Templates Page 8 soccer = football (British English) soccer mom – a mother who spends lots of time asking their children to sport, practice music lessons.
Powerpoint Templates Page 9 flute
Powerpoint Templates Page 10 dodge ball dodge (v.): to move quickly to avoid someone or something
Powerpoint Templates Page 11 rain ˙It rains cats and dogs. ˙It never rains, but pours.
Powerpoint Templates Page 12 pond
Powerpoint Templates Page 13 guitar
Powerpoint Templates Page 14 table tennis
Powerpoint Templates Page 15 spend spend… (in) V-ing He spends lots of time practicing. spend…on something I spend NT$1000 on the shoes.
Powerpoint Templates Page 16 baseball
Powerpoint Templates Page 17 mud muddy (adj.)
Powerpoint Templates Page 18 pitch pitcher (n.): the player in baseball who throws the ball catcher (n.): in baseball, behind the batter, who catches missed balls
Powerpoint Templates Page 19 snow It snows heavily. There is little snow in Taiwan. They have much snow in New York. snow day – a day when schools and businesses are closed because there is too much snow for people to travel
Powerpoint Templates Page 20 join
Powerpoint Templates Page 21 hit hit the road/trail: to begin a journey a hit-and-run driver: a car driver hits someone and does not stop to help hit the roof/ceiling: very angry and mad hitting
Powerpoint Templates Page 22 baseball field
Powerpoint Templates Page 23 road hit the road street 街 (St.) lane 巷 alley 弄 section 段 (Sec.)
Powerpoint Templates Page 24 win lose 輸 / 失去 winner 贏家 winning
Powerpoint Templates Page 25 team Together Everyone Achieves More
Powerpoint Templates Page 26 keep keep fit keep in touch with… An apple a day keeps a doctor away.
Powerpoint Templates Page 27 problem No problem. solve the problem answer the question
Powerpoint Templates Page 28 practice Practice makes perfect. put something into practice: to start to use an idea and see if it works
Powerpoint Templates Page 29 enjoy Enjoy yourself. = Have fun. = Have a good time.
Powerpoint Templates Page 30 together to get her
Powerpoint Templates Page 31 race n. – 競賽 relay race three-legged race v. – 競賽 horse racing 賽馬
Powerpoint Templates Page 32 learn Live and learn. – to learn something you didn’t know before learn a lesson: Someone will not do something wrong or stupid again.
Powerpoint Templates Page 33 land n.: 陸地 on land 陸地上 v.: 降落 ( 飛機 ) take off 起飛 land/ground/floor
Powerpoint Templates Page 34 Let’s review them!
Powerpoint Templates Page 35 pond / guitar / drums / learn
Powerpoint Templates Page 36 flute / join / keep / land
Powerpoint Templates Page 37 mud / hit / pitch / piano
Powerpoint Templates Page 38 snow / road / race / violin
Powerpoint Templates Page 39 team / win / rain / turtle
Powerpoint Templates Page 40 practice / problem / together / enjoy
Powerpoint Templates Page 41 Puzzles
Powerpoint Templates Page 42 mudturtleenjoyproblem pitchpracticeraintogether violinkeeppondlearn teamjoinflutepiano guitarhitsnowroad winracelandspend
Powerpoint Templates Page 43 mudturtleenjoyproblem pitchpracticeraintogether violinkeeppondlearn teamjoinflutepiano guitarhitsnowroad winracelandspend
Powerpoint Templates Page 44 mudturtleenjoyproblem pitchraintogether violinkeeppondlearn teamjoinflutepiano guitarhitsnowroad winracelandspend practice
Powerpoint Templates Page 45 mudturtleenjoyproblem pitchpracticeraintogether violinkeeppondlearn teamjoinpiano hitsnowroad winracelandspend flute guitar
Powerpoint Templates Page 46 mudturtleenjoyproblem practiceraintogether violinkeeppondlearn teamjoinflutepiano guitarsnowroad winlandspend pitch hit race
Powerpoint Templates Page 47 mudenjoy pitchpracticeraintogether violinkeeppondlearn joinflutepiano guitarhitroad winracelandspend problem snow turtle team
Powerpoint Templates Page 48 turtleenjoyproblem pitchpracticetogether violinkeeplearn teamjoinflutepiano guitarhitsnow winracespend mud road rain pond land
Powerpoint Templates Page