Review – What is the definition of timbre? The type of sound created Refered to as tone color
Instrument Families
Vocal Ranges Soprano Alto Tenor Bass The four MAIN vocal ranges from highest to lowest are: Soprano Alto Tenor Bass
Instrument Family Research How does each family of instruments produce sound? List 6-8 examples of instruments in each family. Pick (1) instrument – Earliest “occurrence” How does that specific instrument produce sound? What is it used for now? Five basic families: Aerophones Idiophones Membranophones Chordophones Electrophones
Classifications of Timbres Aerophones: Instruments that produce sound by a vibrating column of air. Flute Tuba Harmonica
Idiophones: Simple, solid instruments that produce sound by being struck, scraped, or shaken. Gongs Cymbals Rattles Xylophones
Membranophones: Instruments that produce sound by striking a skin or membrane stretched across a resonating chamber. Conga Drums Timpani
Guitar Harp Violin String Bass Chordophones: Instruments that create sound by striking or plucking a tight string. Guitar Harp Violin String Bass
Electrophones: Instruments that generate sound from electricity. Organs Synthesizers Electric Guitar
Families of Instruments Brass: trumpet, trombone, etc. Woodwinds: Clarinet, Flute, etc. Strings: Violin, Cello, etc. Percussion: Snare Drum, Gong, etc.
Name the Source Listen to these seven musical excerpts. Identify all the timbres and the instruments producing the sound you hear. Then classify the instruments according to their appropriate category. All five classification categories are represented.