Unit # 3 – Middle Ages Lesson # 2 – Feudalism
Agenda Warm Up Presentations Introduction to Feudalism Explaining Relationships and the Feudal Pyramid Cost-Benefit Analysis Further Thinking
February 19, 2014 Page 38: Bell Ringer: On page 35, complete “Rome Falls” portion of the Flow Chart (see above if missed class): WRITE ALL FOUR REASONS!! Objective: Describe how loyalty was used as a means of survival Attach Unit # 3 Definition Maps Page 39: Attach Cost-Benefit Analysis Rome Falls Feudalism Begins Christianity Spreads The Crusades are Fought Trade Increases Cities and Towns Grow
Presentations When called to the front, your group will bring rubric to Ms. Wrede You will have 2 minutes to present Points will be subtracted for being off task or disrespecting one another during presentations
What was going on in Europe? Rome fell ▫Why? People are without a leader, a government, protection, or money ▫What should they do? BAND TOGETHER! And that’s call feudalism (or the feudal system)
Unit # 3 Definition Maps You were given several vocabulary terms on Monday This list includes a few more For each term, you will complete a note card that includes: ▫Word ▫Definition ▫Drawing or illustration ▫2 characteristics ▫1 example Word Definition 2 charcs. Drawing Example DUE: FRIDAY, FEB 28
Page 38: Explaining Relationships & Feudal Pyramid Using the textbook, explain how the three roles within feudalism were connected. ▫Lords ▫Knights ▫Serfs Explain what each role provided to one another
Page 39: Cost-Benefit Analysis Look at the different roles that existed during Feudal times. ▫Highlight the two roles that you feel are the most important Think about Phillip O. Berry and what roles exist here ▫Write four different roles that exist and one cost and one benefit associated with each
Page 39: Further Thinking Compare Feudal times to Modern day society Exit Ticket: Answer the question… ▫Which beliefs, values, and ideas are the most important among those listed?