Feudal C Automatic memory management with zero runtime overhead CS263 - Spring 1999 Scott McPeak Dan Bonachea Carol Hurwitz C
Outline Introduction - Ownership and the Owner Tree Goals of Feudal C Syntax, Type Rules, and Operational Semantics Examples Memory Safety Theorem and Proof Outline
The Basic Idea Designate some pointers as "owners" –Obligation to delete the pointed-at object: no memory leaks The rest of the pointers are "serfs" –No deletion obligation (or capability) –Must stop pointing at an object before it is deleted: no dangling pointers Use the type system –Enforce the distinction (type soundness) –Enforce properties of both kinds
Ownership and the Owner Tree Globals main() foo() bar() bigArray ABC localObj dl1dl2dl3dl4 owner serf
Flavors Owners: Serfs: This project: –Prove memory safety of restricted versions No leaks No dangling references –Simplify language exclusiverestricted normal efficientflexible restricted static dynamicfull RC efficientflexible
Goals of Feudal C Provide memory safety (no leaks, no dangling references) through static typing Promote clear design practices Enable passing memory out of a function Still have a language that’s useful
Language Syntax Types TypeAux ::= int | t owner * t TypeAux Type::= t | t serf * t TypeAux Typical Imperative Commands & Expressions –if-then-else– Assignment (copy & transfer) –while – Arithmetic & Boolean Expressions (no side effects) –new / delete– Function call & return Rules of Thumb (enforced by typing) –No serf pointers stored in the heap or returned from functions –No owner pointers as parameters to functions –Dereferencing serf pointers gets only serf pointers Limitations: –No Arrays – No “Legacy” Pointers –No Records – No Function types or pointers –No address-of operator– No Recursive Types (*)
Small Example int owner* owner* allocSmallList(int val) { int owner* x; // variable declarations int owner* owner* y; x := new int; // allocate an integer on the heap *x = val; // store val there y := new int owner*; // create a pointer on the heap *y := x; // this nullifies x return y; // safely returns allocated space! }
Partial Typing Rules |- v 1 : owner * |- v 2 : owner * |- F v 1 := v 2 Transfer Assign Command |- v : owner * serf * |- *v : serf * Serf Pointer Dereference |- e : int |- F c 1 |- F c 2 |- F if e then c 1 else c 2 Conditional Command |- x : serf * |- e : owner * |- F x = e Copy Assign Command |- x : owner * |- e : serf * |- F x = e Note: This rule does not exist! f ( x 1 : 1,..., x n : n ) x n+1 : n+1,..., x m : m c ; rc F = x 1 : 1,..., x m : m |- F c |- rc : ´ serf * 1 i n. i i ´ owner * |- F f Function Definition
Partial Operational Semantics n (x) = 0 ( hr newaddr ) dom( H ) 1,..., n | H | x := new ; c 1,..., n [ ( ohr newaddr ) / x ] | H { ( ( hr newaddr ), 0 ) } | c Allocation Command f ( x 1,..., x m ) x m+1,..., x p c body F op 1 i m. eval( e i, n, H ) v i m+1 i p. v i = 0 1,..., n | H | x = f ( e 1,..., e m ) ; c 1,..., n, Frame ( { (x 1, v 1 )..., (x p, v p ) }, c, x ) | H | c body Function Call Command y dom( n ). y x n (y) (ohr z) val = n (x) 1,..., n-1, n | H | return x 1,..., n-1 [ val / n.var ] | H | n.cmd Function Return Command Values = (ohr ) (shr )0 or 4 or (ohr 37) or (shr 5) VarValueMap = P(Loc Values)VVM = { (x, 5), (y, (shr 17)), (z, (ohr 17))} Frame = VarValueMap Command Loc n = Frame(VVM, c, x) Heap = P ((hr ) Values)H = { ((hr 16), 2), ((hr 30), (ohr 17)) } States = Frame list Heap CommandS = 1,..., n | H | c Framework
Memory Safety Roadmap
Single Owner, No Cycles Lemma Lemma 1: For every allocated element, there is exactly one owner pointing to it from the heap or from the stack, and there exist no cycles. ( hr n) dom(H). |owners((hr n))| = 1 and (hr n) TC ((hr n)) Initial State: Since the heap is empty the lemma is vacuously true for the base case
Single Owner, No Cycles Lemma y dom( n ) n (y) = (ohr objaddr) eval( v, n, H ) (ohr targetaddr) H((hr targetaddr)) = 0 (hr targetaddr) TC( H, (hr objaddr) ) 1,..., n | H | *v := y ; c 1,..., n [ 0 / y ] | H [ (ohr objaddr) / (hr targetaddr) ] | c Transfer Assign Command
No Memory Leaks Defn: A memory leak is allocated memory which is not reachable from the stack, i.e., is not in the transitive closure of anything on the stack. –Theorem: Feudal C is safe with respect to memory leaks. Initial state: –The heap is empty when the program begins, so they is no allocated memory, and hence no memory leaks.
No Dangling References n (x) = (ohr addr) y dom( n ). y x n (y) = (shr z) (hr z) TC(H, (hr addr)) 1,..., n | H | delete ( x ) ; c 1,..., n [ 0 / x ] | del ( H, (ohr addr) ) | c DeAllocation Command
Conclusion Feudal C is memory safe The type system is a good place to put memory allocation information!