Fritz Kreisler
Composition Complete title- Praeludium and Allegro in the style of Pugnani Premiered in 1910 Period composed- Early 20 th Century
Composer Full name- Fritz Friedrich Kreisler Born February 2, 1875 in Vienna, Austria Died January 29, 1962 in New York City Cities of Residence- Vienna, Paris, Rome, Berlin, New York
Personal Life Was born to Anna Reaches and Samuel Kreisler on Feb. 3, He was also of Jewish heritage Dropped out of music for several years but finished his high school education. Enrolled in the University of Vienna to obtain a medical degree, but joined the Austrian army in 1894, where he edged himself back into music before he could get the degree Married Harriet Lies Woerz in 1892 Enlisted himself in the Austrian Army when WWI began. He was dicharged November 1914 because he was severely injured Involved in two major accidents- Hit by a truck in 1941 while crossing the street, from which he received fractured skull and was in a coma for a week Involved in an automobile accident near the end of his life Died in 1962 due to a heart condition
Musical Career Talent had manifested by the age of 4. Then became a student of Jacob Dont and later Jaques Auber First performance was at the Vienna Conservatory when he was 9, and he was awarded a medal for it when he was 10 Made his US debut in New York City on November 10, 1888 Since his career gained a lot of momentum before WWI, he had performed at more than 250 concerts in a year He felt that using original pieces composed by his wouldn’t attract people, so he wrote in the styles of almost-forgotten composers and claimed the pieces were theirs.
Historical Significance Regarded as one of the greatest violinists of all time Known for his sweet tone and expressive phrasing Was inducted into the Grammy Hall of Fame for some of his recordings with “qualitive or historical significance” Major Works: Liebesfreud and Liebeslied
Composer’s Output 4 operettas 14 vocal pieces 8 cadenzas 4 cello and piano pieces 1 string quartet piece 40 works for piano and violin
Compositional Techniques Form: Binary Meter(s): 4/4 and ¾ Tempo(i): Andante, allargando, allegro molto moderato Key(s): E minor, some G major Orchestration/instrumentation: chamber orchestra and solo violin Style: written in the style of Pugnani
Meaning/Significance Many of his works were ascribed by earlier composers such as Gaetano Pugnani and Giuseppe Tartini Praeludium and Allegro composed in the style of Pugnani ( ) A praeludium is a movement that serves as an introduction to another section or composition and establishes the key An allegro is a piece or movement played at a brisk and quick tempo
Performance Difficulties Individual Sometimes difficult to follow the soloist Some of the accidentals are slightly difficult, such as in measures 61 and 160 Sometimes it is difficult to get the entrances right after long periods of rest, such as in measures 89, 92, and 96 Section and/or Ensemble Many of the same difficulties: Entrances after long periods of rest following the soloist
Connections to Historical/Artistic Events Studied under Jacques Auber, a famous French composer and violinist Performed with both the Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra and the Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra as a soloist Fought during WWI, but was injured and sent home Had to stop touring when the US joined WWI in 1917
Interesting Facts Lived during both WWI and WWII Went on at least two American tours, in spite of having been born in Austria Took his work and passed it off as other artists’ works for publication Published a book about his experience in WWI called Four Weeks in the Trenches: The War Story of a Violinist Original degree was a medical degree and not a musical one; dropped out of music class in high school
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