facebook The Beatles are making sure that John Lennon is wearing his Buddy Holly glasses so he can see! WallInfoPhotosSongs/VideosThe BeatlesLogout View photos of The Beatles Send The Beatles a message The Beatles Website Wall InfoPhotosSongs/Videos Write something… Share Information Friends Genre(s):: Rock Members:: Paul, John, George and Ringo Hometown: Liverpool Record Label: Apple Records Current Location: England Wall InfoPhotosSongs/Videos The Beatles want to know your favorite song! Sarah Platt “I Want to Hold Your Hand” is my favorite song! The Beatles that was really fun to record in This song is flirty, happy and exciting. The tempo is medium and the dynamic is loud. Sarah Platt I really like how upbeat you made the song. What do you mean when you say “yeah, I got somethin’ I think you’ll understand, when I say that somethin’ I want to hold your hand (x3)”? The Beatles the girl in the song, I want to hold her hand but she isn’t really listening but she catches on to what I’m saying. Sarah Platt Thanks for explaining, keep rocking! Love this song (: TV Carpio Weezer The Beach BoysLittle Richard Elvis Presley
Wall InfoPhotosSongs/Videos Detailed Information Basic Information Genre(s): Rock Members: Paul McCartney, John Lennon, George Harrison and Ringo Starr Instruments Played: Ringo- drums, Paul- vocals and violin-shaped bass guitar, John – vocals and guitars George- back up vocals and lead guitar Hometown: Liverpool, England Record Label: Apple Records, Capitol and Parlophone Current Location: George and John are dead, Paul- England and Ringo- England Formed: 1958 Disbanded: 1969 Band Member Biography: John Lennon- October 9, 1940 Paul McCartney- June 18, 1942 George Harrison- February 25, 1943 Ringo Starr- July 7, 1940 Hit Albums/Years: “The Beatles(White Album” 1968 “The Beatles ” 1973 Hit Songs/Years: I Want to Hold Your Hand Come Together Yellow Submarine-1966 Awards/Achievements: Best New Artist Best Long Form Music Video-2009 Fun Facts: John wore a toilet seat around his neck while playing in Germany Contact Information Official Band Website: Citations For Research: “ (THE RED ALBUM) ALBUM.” The Beatles sing365, n.d Wed. 26 Jan Unterberger, Richie. “AllMusic The Beatles. “ The Beatles. Rovi Corporation, n.d. Wed. 26 Jan O’Neil, Thomas, Mason Wiley, and Damien Bona. “The Beatles’ (and solo Beatles) Grammy Awards, Academy Awards and Emmy Award Nominations.” The Beatles. N.p., n.d web. 26 Jan Wentzel. Jim. Rock and Roll Hall of Famers. The Beatles. New York, NY: The Rosen Publishing Group, Inc., Print. “Hello Goodbye.” Song Facts. N.p., n.d. Web. 28 Jan Information Friends Genre(s):: Rock Members:: Paul, John, George and Ringo Hometown: Liverpool Record Label: Apple Records Current Location: England The Beatles are making sure that John Lennon is wearing his Buddy Holly glasses so he can see! facebook WallInfoPhotosSongs/VideosThe BeatlesLogout Elvis Presley TV Carpio Weezer The Beach BoysLittle Richard View photos of The Beatles Send The Beatles a message The Beatles Website
Wall InfoPhotosSongs/Videos The Beatles are making sure that John Lennon is wearing his Buddy Holly glasses so he can see! facebook WallInfoPhotosSongs/VideosThe BeatlesLogout Photos of Artist/Band Artist/Band’s Albums George Paul John RingoThe Beatles Profile Picture
Featured Video facebook WallInfoPhotosSongs/VideosThe BeatlesLogout Wall InfoPhotosSongs/Video Featured Songs The Beatles are making sure that John Lennon is wearing his Buddy Holly glasses so he can see! Reasoning I Want to Hold Your Hand Hey Jude