Th ờ i gian thi: 90 phút Hình th ứ c thi: lý thuy ế t (tr ắ c nghi ệ m + tr ả l ờ i ng ắ n) + bài t ậ p (đ ề m ở ) C ấ u trúc bài thi: ◦ A. Lý thuy ế t t ổ ng h ợ p : 2.5đ ◦ B. Bài t ậ p : 7.5đ Thi ế t k ế E(E)RD : 3đ Ánh x ạ : 1đ Vi ế t SQL : 1.5đ B ả o m ậ t : 0.5đ Chu ẩ n hóa, tìm khóa : 1.5đ
1. Given the below database schema
1. (cont.) a. Map this schema into ERD b. Write SQL statements to: For each book that is loaned out from the "Sharpstown" branch and whose DueDate is today, retrieve the book title, the borrower's name, and the borrower's address. For each library branch, retrieve the branch name and the total number of books loaned out from that branch Retrieve the names, addresses, and number of books checked out for all borrowers who have more than five books checked out
Given a relation Emp, the degree of the Emp relation is? Given a relation SalGrade, the cardinality of the SalGrade relation is? Given a relation Emp, a relation schema of the Emp relation is? Given a relation Emp, is it possible to conclude that the Emp relation is in the first normal form?
Given a relation Emp, which SQL statements are used in order to insert into the Emp relation the data about a new employee whose empno is 1234, ename is Tam, job is salesman, MGR is 7698, hire date is 15/07/1996, salary is 1800, and department is sales
a. Insert into EMP values(1234, ' Tam', ' salesman ', 7698, TO_DATE(' 15/07/1996', 'DD-MM-YYYY'), 1800, NULL,30); b. Insert into EMP values(1234, ' Tam', ' salesman ', 7698, TO_DATE(' 15/07/1996', 'DD-MM-YYYY'), 1800, NULL,(SELECT DEPNO FROM DEPT WHERE DNAME = ‘Sales”)); c. Insert into EMP (Empno, Ename, Job, MGR, HireDate, SAL, DepNo) values(1234, ' Tam', ' salesman ', 7698, TO_DATE(' 15/07/1996', 'DD- MM-YYYY'), 1800, 30); d. All a, b, and c are correct. e. None of them is correct.
Given a relation Emp, which SQL statements are used in order to insert into the Emp relation the data about a new employee whose empno is 2345, ename is Tam, job is Manager, MGR is Null, hire date is 15/07/1996, salary is 1800, and department is human resource
a. Insert into EMP values(2345, ' Tam', ‘Manager ', NULL, TO_DATE(' 15/07/1996', 'DD-MM-YYYY'), 1800, NULL, NULL); b. Insert into EMP values(1234, ' Tam', ' salesman ', NULL, TO_DATE(' 15/07/1996', 'DD-MM-YYYY'), 1800, NULL,(SELECT DEPNO FROM DEPT WHERE DNAME = ‘human resource”)); c. All a, b are correct. d. Both a and b are unable to be used for that insertion because there is no data about the deparment of human resource in the Dept relation and the foreign key constraint is therefore violated.
3. Consider this database with the following functional depencies (primary key is (FactoryNumber, ProductNumber) and candidate key is (FactoryName, ProductNumber)) Production (FactoryNumber, FactoryName, ProductNumber, Status, Location, QtyOnDay) FactoryNumber FactoryName FactoryNumber Status Status Location Location Status FactoryNumber, ProductNumber QtyOnDay FactoryName, ProductNumber QtyOnDay
Given database with its relation Production as shown above, which normal form is the Production relation in? a. First normal form b. Second normal form c. Third normal form d. Boyce-Codd normal form Can you normalize it into the highest level?
Consider the relation R, which has attributes that hold schedules of courses and sections at a university. R = {CourseNo, SecNo, OfferingDept,CreditHours, CourseLevel, InstructorSSN,Semester, Year, Days_Hours, RoomNo,NoOfStudents} Suppose that the following functional dependencies hold on R: {CourseNo} -> {OfferingDept, CreditHours,CourseLevel} {CourseNo, SecNo, Semester, Year} ->{Days_Hours, RoomNo, NoOfStudents,InstructorSSN} {RoomNo, Days_Hours, Semester, Year} -> {InstructorSSN, CourseNo, SecNo} Try to determine which sets of attributes form keys of R. How would you normalize this relation?
Consider the following relation for published books: BOOK (Book_title, Authorname, Book type Book_type, Listprice, Author_affil,Publisher) Author_affil referes to the affiliation of the author Suppose the following dependencies exist: Book_title -> Publisher, Book_type Book Book_type -> Listprice Author_name -> Author-affil Find keys and normalize this relation into 3NF