Welcome to first grade!
Handbooks Curriculum handbook –Explains what your children will be learning about in each subject area (online) Lower School handbook –Please read carefully (no athletic shorts, wear long shirts over leggings, wear shorts under skirts)
Behavior Plan **Focus is on positive behavior Classroom procedures… Verbal reminder Sent to seat for “thinking minute” Private conference with me or phone call home Parent/Teacher conference
Reading Log Reading Log was in the homework folder this week Leveled books will be placed in school book baggie-record reading on card provided and sign nightly (coming home soon) Read with your child for 15 minutes each night and fill in the reading log together and book baggie card **Always discuss what you have read- make strong comprehension your goal!
Specials Day 1- Spanish, Library Day 2- Music Day 3- Art Day 4- Spanish, Computer Lab Day 5- Science Lab Day 6- Music **PE daily (tennis shoes are required, even on violin days)
Mrs. Davis’ Class Blog Please check this weekly! You will find: Reports of classroom events, important information, photos, dates/events, etc. First Grade Blog Check this weekly for curriculum information- phonics lessons, spelling lists, reading, writing, math, and science/social studies objectives ** Sign up for Remind 101-see packet
Field Trips Jordan Lake- October 10 (forest resources) Poe Health Center- February 13 (dental health/nutrition) Durant Nature Park- May 1 (pond study) North Regional Library-TBA (independent reading motivation)
Reading Reader’s Workshop The Daily 5 Focus on learning how to choose “just right” books Fountas and Pinell Phonics **Remember to read nightly for 15 minutes and fill in the reading log. **Book baggies will be sent containing leveled books.
Writing Writer’s Workshop Learning to write a variety of genres Encourage your child to talk with you and draw/write at home for meaningful purposes. * REMEMBER- strong oral language is the first step in becoming a writer.
Math Workshop Model- Everyday Math, problem solving booklets, other enrichment and remediation materials used as needed Home Links encourage parent participation and problem solving Family letters (These precede each new unit.) *IXL Math **Dreambox Education Goal- 15 min. IXL/Lexia weekly
Handwriting Handwriting Without Tears Emphasizes correct pencil grip, slant of paper and proper posture during writing Teaches children how to make letters and numbers correctly (top to bottom, left to right progression)
Communication - best way to contact me Phone extension Please notify me of dismissal changes, early dismissal, or late arrivals if possible Changes to regular dismissal should be made in writing BEFORE dismissal ( front office if notification is later in the day)
Birthdays Please send me a note to alert me when your child’s birthday is approaching. You are invited to bring your child’s lunch from their favorite lunch spot and join us in the dining hall as a special celebration. Lunchtime is 11:40-12:10.
Progress Reports and Conferences Progress Reports are sent at the end of each quarter. Conference dates: November 6, January 29, and April 2 **First Grade Literacy Night will be September 18 th, 6-7:30 p.m.
Volunteers Mystery Readers (need coordinator) Lunch Saints (need coordinator) Room Moms (2) Library helpers (Ravenscroft library and/or public library) Character lessons (monthly) Snack tray sanitizing (need coordinator) Special activity days (approximately once a quarter)
Healthy Snacks Please send a snack and/or drink that can be eaten in about 10 minutes (prepare at home- peel oranges, cut apples in wedges, etc. Remember to send in a napkin and utensils if they are needed. Please label your child’s snack and put in a separate bag from their lunch to avoid confusion. (A ziploc baggie is perfect!) *Please emphasize HEALTHY snacks with your child.
Absences/Trips If your child will be absent due to a family trip, please continue to read, write, and use math skills. (Contact Mrs. Hobbs for extended absences.) A Journey Journal is a fun way to share experiences.
Parent/Teacher Communication Subscribe to our class blog and to the grade level blog for the most up-to- date information. (I will also use Remind 101 to text quick reminders- sign up please.) *Always feel free to contact me regarding your questions or concerns. It’s going to be a fantastic year!!