Language and Culture What’s the position of language in the intercultural communication?
The Definition of Language Language is a system of arbitrary vocal symbols used for human communication ( Wardhaugh, 1972:3) Language is a tool of communication , but not only the tool for communication. Some people (represented by Chomsky) look language as a cognitive system.
Language is one element of culture. It is on the first layer of the culture onion.
Language is the tool for communication Language is the carrier of culture Language is the cognitive system of human being. 语言是交际的工具语言是文化的载体语言是认知的系统
Oral Communication Comparison AddressingGreetingIntroducingDepartingThankingRequestingApologizingComplimentingPromisingCommentingRefusingInviting…… Speech Act
Addressing Kinship terms A clear distinction between father’s relatives and mother’s relatives examples: 伯伯叔叔 舅舅, 爷爷奶奶外公 外婆,公公岳父, 姑姑姨妈,表姐堂 姐,表哥堂哥 examples: 伯伯叔叔 舅舅, 爷爷奶奶外公 外婆,公公岳父, 姑姑姨妈,表姐堂 姐,表哥堂哥 no distinction uncle, aunt, grandfather, grandmother, father/mother-in-law uncle, aunt, grandfather, grandmother, father/mother-in-law cousin cousin There is a tendency to address by first name instead of kinship terms There is a tendency to address by first name instead of kinship terms Individualism vs collectivism
Addressing ( Kinship terms ) A clear distinction of age 哥弟,姐妹,伯伯叔叔大爷二爷、大舅二舅English brother, sister, uncle, brother, sister, uncle, Age and power, high power distance Age and power, more past-oriented
Addressing Kinship terms The use of kinship terms to address people with non-kinship relation Chinese culture is rooted in a kinship- based sedentary agricultural society. A strict distinction between insider and outsider Individualism and collectivism
Intercultural Addressing 我爱北京,但不喜欢被人叫做奶奶!!!这个老外不叫我局长,对我不尊重。这家伙,居然叫我关副局长,什么意思?
Position and address In China, position is a very important element of address. Position show who you are; how important you are in the society, how important you are in relation to my social circle. In English, there are addresses with position, such as Prince Charles, Bishop Gray, President Bush etc., but the number is quite small. Power distance
How to address a stranger? Chinese 喂 (不礼貌) 喂 (不礼貌)师傅 小姐 小姐 先生 先生 姑娘 姑娘 小伙子 小伙子 老人家 老人家 这位同学 这位同学 这位老师 这位老师 同志 同志 服务员、乘务员 服务员、乘务员阿姨叔叔爷爷奶奶English Hi, Hey ( Zero address) Hi, Hey ( Zero address) Sir, Madam Sir, Madam Particularism /universalism Collectivism/individualism
How to address the American and the British Meet at the first time/ formal situation Mr./Ms.+ surname Position title+ Surname Professional title+ Surname
How to address the American and the British Meet at the second time/ informal situation Given/First name It depends. The British maybe more conservative
How to address the American and the British In school Primary School: Sir, Miss / Title +Surname Secondary/high School: Title + surname/ Sir, Miss College: Title+ surname, given name
How to address the American and the British Special address Mr. Chairman Mr. President Mr. America Miss America Miss England
How to address the American and the British Tips Sir and Madam should be used independently Mrs + husband’s surname Sir+ given name only for Knight or baronet Addressing by surname, or given name +surname is impolite
Greeting Chinese上哪啊?吃了饭吗?接孩子啊?出去啊?孩子上几年级了?今天有课?EnglishHi Good morning! A good day, isn’t it? High and low territoriality