Statistical Geographic Information Service Apr. 2010.


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Presentation transcript:

Statistical Geographic Information Service Apr

Contents 1.SGIS(Statistical GIS) A.An Overview B.The Services C.Interesting SGIS D.Open API E.Utilizations in Public/Private fields 2.SGIS in the Future A.Major Directions B.Adaptation of New Address System C.Improvement of SGIS Services

 What is SGI(Statistical Geographic Information)? - Survey Results(Text) + Position Information - Enabling topological analysis on spatial or positional relations  What is SGIS(SGI Services)? - Inquiring, Analyzing and Decision Making Services using SGI  The Objectives of SGIS - Statistical Survey Supports - Improving friendliness of Statistical Information through visualization 1. SGIS(Statistical GIS)_An Overview 1/22

SGIS  Concept of SGIS += 2/22 Statistical Information Digital Maps 1. SGIS(Statistical GIS)_An Overview

 Providing Statistics - Population: sex/age, educational attainment, religion, marital status - Household: number of rooms/living rooms/kitchens, heating facilities, type of occupancy, generation - Housing: year of construction, total floor space, housing type - Establishments: number of establishments(industrial classification, establishment year), number of workers(by industry, 2004 ~2008, 2000~2003 is now under implementing 1. SGIS(Statistical GIS)_An Overview 3/22

4/22  Census Individual Spatial DB : Position Information (Points) of Residence/Establishments + Census Map + Boundaries(administrative, EDs) * Census Map : Base map for Census, administrative region (about 3,500) and ED maps(about 0.3 million)  Statistics Navigator : Geographic Information with Census on Population/Housing, Establishments  Interesting SGIS : 7 kinds of thematic SGIS based on Statistics Navigator  OpenAPI Types of Services 1. SGIS(Statistical GIS)_The Services

5/22  Service Procedure 1. SGIS(Statistical GIS)_The Services

6/22  Web Service Page - (Korean) - (English) 1. SGIS(Statistical GIS)_The Services

7/22  Kinds of Interesting SGIS - Experiencing the Statistical Map - Looking for a new neighborhood (e.g. statistics on residential and transportation environments) - Monthly SGIS : Major Monthly Statistics such as CPI - e-MiJi(provincial changes in the future) - Moving Population Pyramid - Surname Distribution 1. SGIS(Statistical GIS)_Interesting SGIS

8/22  Create users own statistical map by input statistical data on the census map. Experiencing the Statistical Map 1. SGIS(Statistical GIS)_Interesting SGIS

9/22  Provides information to help users choose a new location and area recommendations to users who are considering moving Looking for a new Neighborhood 1. SGIS(Statistical GIS)_Interesting SGIS

10/22  Provides 10 different "monthly" data applicable to GIS service.  Ratio by last month, ratio by same month of last year Monthly SGIS Monthly SGIS 1. SGIS(Statistical GIS)_Interesting SGIS

11/22  Users can picture the provinces in the future.  Changes Si-Gun-Gu in the period of 1995~2015 by 5 years e-MiJi(provincial changes in the future) 1. SGIS(Statistical GIS)_Interesting SGIS

12/22  Shows the changes in population structure based on the population estimation by age in the whole country and by 5-year age in Si/Do(Metropolitan cities/Provinces) Moving Population Pyramid 1. SGIS(Statistical GIS)_Interesting SGIS

13/22  Provides the distribution of the surnames in different regions based on the population census data in 1985 and Surname Distribution 1. SGIS(Statistical GIS)_Interesting SGIS

14/22  Supports to utilize the Statistical Geospatial Information from users’ systems  Ways of API Provision - Map API with java script/DHTML format - Document for API Specification is given  Procedure of Admittance - Online issue of Authentication Key 1. SGIS(Statistical GIS)_OpenAPI Introduction to OpenAPI Introduction to OpenAPI

15/22  Apply to issue the authentication key after logon to SGIS (  After checking by system administrator, accept/deny the issue of authentication key  Checking of issue of authentication key at [MyPage]-[Messages]page 2. SGIS(Statistical GIS)_OpenAPI

16/22  Coordination Conversion  Map control & Overlay(Map operations such as Enlargement, etc)  Web Map Service (Drawing up map images)  Geocode Service(Convert Address to Point)  Reverse Geocode Service (Convert Point to Address)  Small Area Statistical Items Inquiring Service  Small Area SGIS Service(based on Output Areas) API Lists 2. SGIS(Statistical GIS)_OpenAPI

17/22  Integration of Google EARTH and SGIS An Example of using API Open API (Ex) Population at Keapo-1-dong, Kangnam-gu, Seoul with Google EARTH 2. SGIS(Statistical GIS)_OpenAPI

18/22  Public Sector : Policy Making on Welfare for social aging  Private Sector : geoCRM - Increasing the effects of commercial signs along Bus lanes - CRM in Insurances, Credit Cards Fields Utilizations 2. SGIS(Statistical GIS)_Utilizations in public/private fields 2. SGIS(Statistical GIS)_Utilizations in public/private fields

 The Directions - Adaptation of New Address System Conversions to New Address System Finding out an advanced method for implementing Census DB Adapting Global Geodetic System for compatibility - Improvement of SGIS Services Joining Geospatial & Statistical Information using Registers Enrich the Service Contents Continuously Costs and Efforts Reduction & Service Improvement 2. SGIS in the Future 19/22

 Adaptation of New Address System  Changes in SGIS - Base maps for Census Individual DB - Finding advanced method for implementing Census DB 20/22 2. SGIS in the Future based on the numbers on specific districts based on the streets & numbers on buildings 2012~

2. SGIS in the Future

 Improvement of SGIS Services - Joining Geospatial & Statistical Information using Registers 21/22 2. SGIS in the Future

Thank you for your attention. Ryu, Ki-Hyeong