Successful Case Partner: Provincia di Lecce Business: SPACEDAT s.r.l.
A SHORT INTRODUCTION OF THE BUSINESS Spacedat is a high-technology Solution & Service Provider working in the field of Earth Observation and Geographical Information System (GIS). Even though Spacedat is a young company founded mainly by researchers, it has developed extensive experience by participating in important projects for the Italian Space Agency and the Ministry of Education University and Research (MIUR). Spacedat has established important links with research institutions all over the world like NASA, Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO) in Australia and DLR (German Aerospace Center) in Germany, becoming able to provide a wide range of systems and services for customers in the space and environment sectors (different sectors). Spacedat represent today a link between the scientific word and the private and governmental sectors; it works for satisfy their need of innovation and technology, providing an effective support for the management of the territory and environmental risks. Supported by highly skilled staff, including experts in geology, environmental management, ecology and software development, SPACEDAT offers comprehensive services and products in the areas of Environment, Civil Protection, Urban Planning and Agriculture. All products are the result of intensive research and collaborations with different international universities and research institutes. The activity is mainly focused on the operational use of remote sensing and Geographical Information System techniques for environmental security-related aspects, including risk assesment, erosion monitoring, web based decision systems for risk management. Spacedat is currently working on the development of a web based Geographical Information System, which will provide users with updated and detailed information regarding environmental risks like forest fires, landslides, floods and water pollution. In addition, the company is currently involved in one of the biggest and most ambitious European project on Integrated Management of Coastal Erosion (IMCA) financed by the Ministry of Education University and Research. Considering the great market opportunities in the area of environmental protection and monitoring and the financial instruments available, Spacedat looks forward to provide a valuable support and contribution to future collaboration projects with private and public companies or research institutions.
SUBSEQUENT STEPS WHICH ALLOWED THEIR INTERNATIONALISATION The innovative activities developed by Spacedat have permitted a close collaboration with many national and international research institutions. As a matter of fact, Spacedat has been involved in important applied research projects with the CSIRO (Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation), Australia, and NASA for the development of a web based system to localize fires with the support of satellite technology. In the same field significant research has been conducted with the German Aerospace Center (DLR) in order to evaluate the potentials of the Bispectral Infra-Red Detection (BIRD) satellite sensor.
THE PROCESS FOLLOWED TO REACH IT The internationalisation of the company occurred through a natural process since the products and services developed by Spacedat required an analysis of the latest technological innovations all over the world. Being a high technology company working in the field of Earth Observation they are able to develop customized products and services all over the world, as a matter of fact, they have recently concluded a project in China with the use of Remote Sensing.
RESTRAINT AND FACILITATION FACTORS Restraints have been found in accessing potential international clients. This could be due to two main factors, one being the possibility to individuate costumers abroad and the other the promptness of clients to use high technological instruments like satellite images. On the other hand languages could be considered a key issue in facilitating communication since the company is able to satisfy costumer needs in Italian, English, Spanish and French. Needless to say that the company was founded by researchers being able to talk science and at the same time to understand the needs of potential business clients.
HOW THEY WENT BEYOND THE RESTRAINT FACTORS Restraints have been found in accessing potential international clients. This could be due to two main factors, one being the possibility to individuate costumers abroad and the other the promptness of clients to use high technological instruments like satellite images. On the other hand languages could be considered a key issue in facilitating communication since the company is able to satisfy costumer needs in Italian, English, Spanish and French. Needless to say that the company was founded by researchers being able to talk science and at the same time to understand the needs of potential business clients.
WHAT IS THE IMPACT ON TERRITORIAL COMPETITIVENESS In terms of territorial competitiveness Spacedat has the advantage of being one of the only companies in the south of Italy being able to provide products and services based on satellite technology. With this in mind it is crucial to maintain a high level of technological innovation, maintaining a close collaboration with international companies and research institutions.
DID IT ALLOW THEM TO ESTABLISH PARTNERSHIPS OR CREATE VALUES ADDED? Indeed, the applied research activities performed by Spacedat with important research institutions have produced products and services with a high technological content in the area of remote sensing and earth observation.