Adages and Proverbs
Adages and Proverbs are sayings in the English language that reflect wisdom and truth and are based upon generations of experience. They are short and to the point and convey deep meaning. They mostly convey a moral lesson and are witty which is why they have lasted for a long time.
Proverb A proverb is a statement of practical wisdom expressed in a simple way. It is a saying that offers advice or instruction on how to live your life. A proverb is more common in every day life than an adage.
Proverb Example “A penny saved is a penny earned.” Benjamin Franklin Advice: It is as useful to save money that you already have as it will earn more money for you if invested wisely.
Proverb Example “A leopard cannot change its spots.” Advice It is impossible for a bad or unpleasant person to become good or pleasant. Live your life right.
Adage An adage is a saying that expresses some kind of truth about human nature or how things happen in life. It is used to remind others about something that is believed to be true.
Adage Example “Birds of a feather flock together.” Truth about how things happen in life: People of the same character or likeness tend to gather together and become friends.
Adage Example “No news is good news.” Truth about how things happen in life: Not hearing about a situation suggests that nothing bad has happened.
Let’s practice. Each of the following slides show an adage or a proverb. Discuss with a partner which you think each one means and then what you think it means. Your teacher will then click to reveal the actual meaning. Good luck!
A watched pot never boils. Adage – Gives truth about how things happen in life. Things you look forward to seem to take a long time to happen. A watched pot never boils.
You live, and you learn. Proverb – Gives Advice Learn from your mistakes. You live, and you learn.
You can’t have your cake and eat it too. Adage – Gives truth about how things happen in life. Once you've eaten your cake, you won't have it any more. Used for expressing the impossibility of having something both ways, if those two ways conflict. You can’t have your cake and eat it too.
Don’t bite the hand that feeds you. Proverb – Gives Advice Don’t hurt those who take care of you, or they may not want to take care of you anymore. Don’t bite the hand that feeds you.
Nothing ventured, nothing gained. Proverb – Gives Advice You can’t expect to achieve something if you never even try to do it. Nothing ventured, nothing gained.
The best things in life are free. Adage – Gives truth about how things happen in life. The things in life that don’t cost money are the most enjoyed. Examples are beauty, love, friendship, and joy. The best things in life are free.
Curiosity killed the cat. Proverb – Gives advice. Don’t be nosy because it can lead to danger. Curiosity killed the cat.
The early bird catches the worm. Proverb – Gives Advice If you start something early, you have a better chance of succeeding at it. The early bird catches the worm.
Read the following statements and think of the meaning of the adages and proverbs in context.
Although I was still mad at my cousin for losing my book, I decided to let sleeping dogs lie and not mention it again. It is better not to restart an old argument. It is better to let your relatives’ pets sleep on the floor.
When I pack my lunch, I always remind myself that an apple a day keeps the doctor away. Telling doctors you eat an apple every day keeps them from scolding you. Eating an apple every day keeps you in good health.
The best place to take a nap is outside in the sun. Dad said that while the rest of us are out grocery shopping, he’s going to make hay while the sun shines and take a nap. The best place to take a nap is outside in the sun. Take advantage of an opportunity while you have chance to do so.
When Danny asked his grandmother why she saved used wrapping paper, she replied, “waste not, want not.” If you waste just go buy more. If you don’t waste anything, you will always have enough.
You will get even trying to make it right. "That boy pushed me yesterday and I am going to get him back today!" My mom responded, "No you are not! Two wrongs do not make a right." It is never right to wrong someone, even if they have wronged you first. You will get even trying to make it right.
Don’t think a book is a good read without reading it first. The new boy in our class wears glasses and reads many books. I thought he must be smart. My friend warned me, “don’t judge a book by its cover!” Don’t think a book is a good read without reading it first. Don’t make a judgment based only on appearances.
I was sad to see my brother leave for college but knew I would be happy to see him when he returned because “absence makes the heart grow fonder.” you feel more affection for those you love when away from them. Your heart gets bigger when you are away.