Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart was born on January 27, 1756 He was born in Salzburg, Austria Wolfie was his nickname Wolfie composed music at the age of 8 He taught himself the organ and the violin. Went on a concert tour at the age of 7 with his sister, Nannerl, to play music for leaders and rich people all over Europe. Writes a opera at the age of 12
Fell in love two times Mozart married Constanze Weber Mozart’s oldest son, Karl Thomas was born Maria Anna, Mozart’s mon dies Leopold Mozart, Mozart’s dad dies Mozart dies
He wrote exciting music His music improves brain power His melodies & themes bring out people’s emotions He always at the front of new ideas & compositions Made the music sound good with the way they were connected
1761- Mozart played the clavier in front of an audience Children (Wolfie and Nannerl) go on concert tour The Marriage of Figaro opens and becomes a very successful opera Mozart marries Constanze Weber Mozart’s mother, Maria Anna dies
1756 – Mozart is born 1759 – Mozart learns to play the clavier 1760 – Mozart composes his first melodies 1762 – Teaches himself the violin 1763 – Mozart goes on concert tour 1765 – Mozart composes his first symphony, in E-flat 1768 – Mozart writes his first opera 1770 – Mozart hears Allegri’s Miserere at St. Paul’s Cathedral and writes it down from memory – Mozart falls love in with Aloysia Weber 1778 – Mozart writes the Paris Symphony and his mother dies 1782 – Mozart marries Constanze Weber 1787 – Mozart’s dad dies 1791 – Mozart dies
His father taught him everything because he didn’t go to school His nickname was Wolfie He was Austrian but spoke German He wrote more than 600 works of Classical music He always overworked himself Was very talented as a child in studies