Descriptive Mark System for Primary Schools by Leszek Syroka Supervisor: Richard Gatward Coventry 2007/2008
Leszek SyrokaDescriptive Mark System for Primary Schools 2 Presentation Plan What is the Descriptive Mark? Background research. Requirements analysis. Design of the product. Database. Client. Connection client and database. What is already done. What needs to be done. Questions.
Leszek SyrokaDescriptive Mark System for Primary Schools 3 What is the Descriptive Mark? introduced to primary schools in Poland at 1999 using description of child's progress instead of mark description shows that every child has different problems and abilities example: equivalent of giving B from maths assignment can be description “Child can easily add but has problems with multiplying.”
Leszek SyrokaDescriptive Mark System for Primary Schools 4 Background research descriptive mark for each pupil have to be written to school registry, archive and certificate. handwriting one descriptive mark lasts about 20 minutes. every mistake in handwrite causes writing mark from the very beginning. teacher who has 30 pupils have to spend 30*3*20min = 30h on handwriting. there is no application which solves this problem
Leszek SyrokaDescriptive Mark System for Primary Schools 5 Background research 2 Certificate front student data names surname date and place of birth school data (constant) name location resolution date
Leszek SyrokaDescriptive Mark System for Primary Schools 6 Background research 3 Certificate back behavior mark religion mark other marks speaking reading writing maths environmental science
Leszek SyrokaDescriptive Mark System for Primary Schools 7 Requirement analysis Survey conducted in Poland shown that the most important features of the product are: shorten time of producing descriptive mark. user friendly GUI. printing on 3 different forms: certificate, school registry, archive. saving results.
Leszek SyrokaDescriptive Mark System for Primary Schools 8 Requirements analysis 2 How shorten the time of producing descriptive mark? printing instead of handwriting using prepared before mark samples storing marks, students data and constant parameters in database editing marks coherency of constants sharing marks with other teachers
Leszek SyrokaDescriptive Mark System for Primary Schools 9 Design of the product Database : MySQL free conforms to SQL standards stores marks, pupils and school data. server provided by school to share marks between teachers and assure coherency of constant fields.
Leszek SyrokaDescriptive Mark System for Primary Schools 10 Database
Leszek SyrokaDescriptive Mark System for Primary Schools 11 Client Application Language choice - Java SWING used to create Graphical User Interface JDBC - MySQL database connection support advanced printing API portability Interface modelled on various window based applications.
Leszek SyrokaDescriptive Mark System for Primary Schools 12 Client Application
Leszek SyrokaDescriptive Mark System for Primary Schools 13 Client – database connection connection established by using JDBC (Java Database Connection) mechanism.
Leszek SyrokaDescriptive Mark System for Primary Schools 14 What is already done? Background research. Users' requirement specification. Project design. Some implementation features: Established connection between client and database. Data base operations: adding, removing and updating elements. Graphical User Interface. Producing marks by using samples. Printing marks on certificate. Two language versions: Polish and English.
Leszek SyrokaDescriptive Mark System for Primary Schools 15 What need to be done? Printing marks on school registry and archive. Solving problem with Polish characters in MySQL database. Creating users in database. Debugging and testing.
Leszek SyrokaDescriptive Mark System for Primary Schools 16 The end Thank you for your attention. ?