Amman, december Presentation of Museum&Web prototipo/museoweb_e.html Pierluigi Feliciati MiBAC-Central Insitute for Archives Rome-Italy Ministerial NEtwoRk for Valorising Activities in digitisation
Amman, december What is Museo&Web? A planning Kit for a Quality Site for Small and Medium Sized Museums, avalilable in english, french and italian. Some more tools and infomation can be found in the OTEBAC Website where more models are available for Websites of: Cultural coordination agencies Archives Libraries (soon)
Amman, december What is Museo&Web? This project grew from the working group WP5 Italia “Identification of user needs and quality criteria for common access” in the Minerva Project. It was realised by the study Commission for the creation of a prototype for public cultural web sites. This prototype is to be used as a reference model by small and medium sized museums intending to create a Web site. The technical realisation of this model follows the guidelines contained in the Handbook for Quality in Cultural Web Sites and the European principles for quality in a cultural Web site, both of which were defined by the European MINERVA project.
Amman, december What is Museo&Web? In full respect of the rules of accessibility, the structure of the site allows for browsing of contents independently of the type of technology used. It can be navigated via assistive technologies and the characters can be enlarged. The graphics of this prototype were set using tones of grey and are deliberately “neutral”. Users can thus adapt the prototype to the specific graphic requirements of their on-line museum. The explanatory text in the prototype is didactic in nature and intended as a guide to practical application of the prototype. Museum and WebMuseum and Web is organised into four parts: Structure and Contents of the Prototype Tutorial Quality Control Models
Amman, december What is Museo&Web? 1. Structure and Contents of the PrototypeStructure and Contents of the Prototype Contains indications for organisation of the contents and services, in addition to numerous examples of both Italian and foreign sites (the examples are listed by virtue of content, whether or not the site respects the norms of accessibility). Some aspects of the prototype are linked to specific problems that emerged during the experimental phase of the Handbook for Quality in Cultural Web Sites. In particular, it addresses the exploitation of data bases through Web sites and the possibility of publishing multimedia contents (such as Flash animations) in html, evaluating to what extent the rules of accessibility are respected in these cases.
Amman, december What is Museo&Web? 2. Tutorial Tutorial This offers suggestions for construction of Web pages according to the rules of accessibility and usability and gives practical information on architecture, management, inter-operability, copyright, multilinguism etc;
Amman, december What is Museo&Web? 3. Quality Control Quality Control This gives practical tools for evaluating the applicability to the specific web site to be created, based on the quality framework defined in the Minerva Web Quality documents and tools.
Amman, december What is Museo&Web? 3. Models/Templates Models/Templates There are three downloadable models: a home page, two other pages of a site (with 2 or three columns) and the stylesheet templates. Templates can be changed in order to customize one’s own website, but a certain knowledge of HTML, XHTML and CSS is required. In addition, a “Validation of the code” page helps to check if the pages code is correct.
Amman, december Museo&Web structure and contents an ideal architecture of a website for a medium-small museumideal architecture HOME Museum Heritage Routes Services Resources Community plus NEWS, MULTILINGUALISM, METANAVIGATION, FOOTER
Amman, december What is Museo&Web? The feedback opening There is something that is not clear? Do you think that we could bring some improvements? Do you have difficulty in navigation? Do you think that something lacks? Send us your comments and suggestions through this form…this form
Amman, december How to use Museo&Web? To access the pages of MUSEO & WEB the following data must be provided by users: General Information: Name and Surname (optional) Institution Address Telephone and Fax According to the Italian law, users are informed that the personal data supplied in the forms will be used by Minerva to create a record of access to MUSEO & WEB and to inform users of similar projects.
Amman, december chukran Ministerial NEtwoRk for Valorising Activities in digitisation