Room 1 We like using art pad to help draw with the mouse. We like using jolly phonics or starfall, they help us with our sounds and writing. we like logging in and out and we use open office to practice spelling we like going on the internet and searching for websites..
Room 2 We like to go on starfall to play games because we like to make pumpkins and snowmen, we like to go on the books and it helps us with our sounds and our reading.
Room 3 Going on Jolly Phonics practicing their sounds listening to the stories listening to the songs
Room 4 Room 4 loves to play Kodo game lab. We love to make our own Kodo We love to make obstacles
Room 5 Room 5 love GarageBand We love: All the different instruments Creating your own song Favorite instruments : violin, drums, piano, guitar, voice recorder. Learning how to play the instruments (smart drums).
Room 6 We love using Garage Band on the iPads and loved the Digital Leaders teaching us! We like the drums, piano and keyboard We loved making our own Dinosaur songs! We enjoyed listening to the music we made.
Room 7 We like using comic strips on the iPads. We like using Garage Band on the iPad because we like making music. We like going into Glow We like using Kids Doodle on the iPads because u can do different things on it.
Room 8 We love using GLOW 365 because we can type to our friends. We love going on the Newsfeed and talking to everyone about our learning. We like posting pictures onto GLOW. We love sharing our PowerPoints with our groups and commenting on each others work. We love OneNote because share our ideas and learning with our friends.
Room 9 Everyone loves open office! Making power points! - Nathan You can make facts on all documents! -Chloe You can copy and paste pictures from the internet!- Iona
Room 10 We love creating our own Word Documents because You can do fun things and share your learning with your friends on GLOW We can be creative by adding images and colour etc We have learned new skills
Room 11 We like using Garage Band to develop our music skills We like creating our own world on Kodu. We used the French app to help with French language We learned how to be more confident with creating a PowerPoint on GLOW 365
Room 12 We love to experiment on GLOW and our iPads We love to research on Google We have loved the Digital Leaders teaching us how to use Kodu Game Lab We love improving our maths skills by using
Room 13 Room 13 love Kodu Game Lab. We love: Getting to make your own world. Fun, adventurous and imaginative. All the objects.
Room 14 Room 14 love using Kodu Game Lab We love creating our own world. You can add items like apples and purple trees. You can use your imagination and there is no limit to what you can do.
Room 15 Room 15 loves Kodo because we get to build buildings get to program Kodo like to fill the world with the water like making the spikes every world is different and you get to destroy buildings
Room 16 We like going on Kodu. We like creating Word documents. We like creating a mini movie on