KS ENR Functional Training Module 6:: Understanding Academic Planning
For agenda details, presenter contact information and supporting materials, please visit KS ENR Functional Training, Module 6 - Understanding Academic Planning 2 Topics and Presenters ItemPresenterProject Role From Vision to Reality I : Defining Academic PlanningCarol Bershad Bob Jansson Product Manager Analysis Team, SME From Vision to Reality II: ENR 1.0 ScopeCarol Bershad Bob Jansson Product Manager From Reality to Vision: UW’s MyPlanJill YetmanMyPlan Project Lead Wrap-upCarol Bershad FacilitatorCarol BershadAnalysis Team, BA Logistics CoordinatorCheryl MedleyProject Mgmt Coordinator
Overall Training Objective:: To equip participants with a solid understanding of the functional framework of the KS Enrollment Module and the associated business artifacts as they currently exist. Module 6 Objectives:: To provide a more in-depth understanding of the Academic Planning functional area of KS ENR, including key concepts and terminology and the status of all related analysis and design artifacts (i.e., requirements, service contracts and wireframes) Academic Planning for ENR Academic Planning ENR 1.0 UW’s MyPlan 3 Objectives and Expectations You are HERE We are HERE Where we all WANT TO BE “Pulling you up”
Offer Courses Register for Courses Grade Courses Enroll in Programs Assess Progress in Programs Explore Programs Plan Programs Offer Programs Setup the Environment Set up Users Student FacingInstitution Facing Manage Info and Preferences Holds Exemptions Academic Record KS Enrollment KS Curriculum Management UW My Plan KS Accounts 3.Course Offering 4.Course Registration 6.Program Offering 9.Academic Planning 7.Program Enrollment 1. Setup 2.People and Permissions 8.Program Assessment 5.Course Assessment 10.Academic Record XCutting KS Scheduling KS Program Audit
From Vision to Reality I: Defining Academic Planning
What Is Academic Planning in KS? Broadly, a continuum of functionality that helps students navigate their academic experience Who is it for? Admitted Students Undergraduates Undergraduates, Undecided Graduates Professional Non-admitted Students Prospects Applicants Transfers Advisers Academic Planning: The Vision 6 Short Term, Tactical: Focus on Coursework Long Term, Strategic: Focus on Interest, Goals
Tools to plan out life/learning experience while at the institution and beyond Articulate Academic and Personal Goals and Interests Identification of Learning Activities to match Goals/Interest Define Roadmap of Learning Activities to meet Goals Perform Audits/Requisite Checking against Roadmap All this is loosely envisioned in a “Learning Plan” that could be shared between students and their Adviser approved as a learning “contract” shared among students made available as samples or templates 7 Academic Planning: The Vision
Academic Planning: From Vision to Reality 8 Academic Goals/Interests: “I want to work with people…” Personal Goals/Interests: “I want to learn the violin…” Learning Activities: “Courses, Programs, Exp Learning, Projects, Co-curricular …” Roadmap of Learning Activities Audits/Requisite Checking Programs: “I want major in Social Work...” Courses, Programs Roadmap of Courses: “Learning Plan” Audits/Requisite Checking
Centered on Programs Program Exploration: What programs am I interested in? Program match on Coursework: What “If” Audits Program Preparation and Enrollment: What do I need to do to get in? View of Academic Record Audit of Coursework against Entrance Requirements: What “IF” Audits Program Completion: What do I need to do to finish? Audit of Coursework against Completion Requirements: What “IS” Audits Learning Plan: How and when do I do it? A multi-year schedule of coursework that aids a student regardless of the program stage for which they are planning … Actual and planned coursework Created from “scratch” or based on a Sample Can be shared with other students or Adviser Academic Planning: From Vision to Reality 9
As a student, I want to identify one of more programs that align with my interests, abilities and career goals As a student I want to see how what I've done matches the requirements of programs I'm interested in to ensure I’m on track (What IF) As a student (with a Learning Plan) I want to see how what I have planned matches the requirements of programs in which I'm interested As a student, I want to identify and/or map courses that satisfy general education requirements early in my career at the institution before I really know what i want to do so that I’m not wasting time As a pre-major student, I want to see the commonality across programs I'm interested in to determine which classes I should take next quarter. Program Exploration 10
As a pre-major student I want to identify what I need to do (courses and non-course requirements - application, portfolio, recommendations, etc) to be admitted to my program or programs of choice. As a pre-major, I want to develop a Learning Plan of classes and other activities that will prepare me for Program Enrollment to a particular program at a particular term. As a pre-major, I want to develop an alternate Learning Plan that will prepare me for Program Enrollment to alternate program (2nd or 3rd choice) As a pre-major, I want to validate my plan against to ensure I'm on track to apply to a major. Program Preparation and Enrollment 11
As a student who's been admitted to a major, I want to identify courses and activities I need to complete in order to graduate. As a student, I want to develop a Learning Plan of courses and other activities that will allow me to complete my program by a particular term (or terms). As a student who has decided to change majors/add a major/ add a minor, I want to update my Learning Plan accordingly As an student who's been admitted to a major, I want to validate my Learning Plan against to ensure I'm on track to graduate. As a student with a graduation date and program in mind, I want to perform a formal degree audit to ensure I'm eligible to apply / graduate Program Completion 12
As an Advisor, I want to create a Sample Learning Plan for students to use As an Advisor, I want to view a Learning Plan that has been shared with me by a student As an Advisor, I want to comment on a Learning Plan that has been shared with me by a student As an Advisor, I want to review and approve a Learning Plan As an Advisor, I want to suggest additions/modifications/deletions to a Learning Plan As an Advisor, I want to make additions/modifications/deletions to a student’s Learning Plan Advising 13
Allows students to: Create a multi-year plan based on current requirements from one or more programs Explore alternate paths to program completion Track completed coursework Track progress to milestones (year standing, minor completion, degree, etc) Save (bookmark) courses Communicate with Advisor Streamline registration Share with social networks Early Learning Plan WireframesWireframes Learning Plan 14
Interaction with Registration 15 ENGL 101 MATH 122 SOC 114 Schedule Builder: What schedule options are available for the courses I want to take? Registration Cart: What am I actually going to take? Learning Plan: What courses do I want to take? Option 1 101A, MWF 9am MATH 122D, TTh 10am SOC 114A, MW 12pm Option 2 ENGL 101B, MWF 10am MATH 122B, MWF 8am SOC 114A, MW 12pm Option 2 ENGL 101B, MWF 10am MATH 122B, MWF 8am SOC 114A, MW 12pm CanonicalOffering
From Vision to Reality II: ENR 1.0 Scope
KS Enrollment Scope 2. People and Permissions 1. Set Up 3. Course Offering 4. Course Registration 5. Course Assessment 6. Program Offering 7. Program Enrollment 8. Program Assessment 9. Academic Planning 10. Academic Record Institution FacingStudent Facing ENR 1.0 ENR 2.0 and beyond KS ENR Scope (WIP) E1 … Deliver the Basics E2 and Beyond … Deliver the Vision
KS Enrollment 1.0 Scope Learning Plan
FunctionFeatureDescription ExplorationAbility of a Student to search for ProgramsAbility of a Student to browse the Catalog for Programs ExplorationAbility of a Student to search for Programs Ability of a Student to search for Programs by Learning Objectives/Learning Objective Categories ExplorationAbility of a Student to search for ProgramsAbility of a Student to search for Programs by title keywords ExplorationAbility of a Student to search for Programs Ability of a Student to search for Programs by description keywords ExplorationAbility to run a Program Audit Ability to run a "what if" Program Audit against alternate Program requirements Exploration Ability of a Student to assess fit with a Program Ability to run a "what if" Program Audit against alternate Program requirements EnrollmentAbility to view Program Enrollment StatusAbility to view historical Program Enrollment Status EnrollmentAbility to run a Program Audit Ability to run a "what is" Program Audit against currently enrolled Program requirements EnrollmentAbility to view Program Enrollment StatusAbility to view current Program Enrollment Status KS ENR 1.0
Creating and managing sample Learning plans. Copying a shared Learning Plan Save multiple Learning Plans Tracking academic goals Tracking non-academic goals Interface with Course Registration via the "Schedule Builder“. Interface with Course Registration via the “Registration Cart”. System derived program suggestions 20 Academic Planning: Future Vision
From Reality to Vision: UW’s MyPlan
Because of MyPlan, I can more easily find the courses that I need to take and manage my academic plan. Being able to outline a plan and share it easily with my advisor has helped me focus on studying, not worrying about graduation MyPlan Academic planning tool that makes it easier for students to navigate the UW’s curricular offerings and achieve their academic goals
MyPlan is the foundation for ongoing modernization and replacement Multi-term Planning & Progress Tracking Fall 2011Winter 2012 Spring 2012 Summer 2012 Fall 2012Winter 2013 Spring 2013 Summer 2013 Fall 2013Winter 2014 Spring 2014 Summer 2014 Fall 2015Winter 2015 Spring 2015 Summer 2015 Section Planning & Registration Enhanced Progress Tracking & Alerts Administrative Processes related to academic plan Enhanced Advisor and collaboration functions YEAR 1YEAR 2+
MyPlan enables multiple capabilities in the student domain 24 HR/Payroll Workforce Planning Staffing Compensation Employee Relations Development Administering Labor Relations Time and Leave Payroll Finance Forecast Funding Needs Budget Funds Manage Funds Receive and Distribute Funds Spend Funds Report on Funds Student Admin Recruit Fund Manage Curriculum Enroll Advise Impart Knowledge Manage Account Assess Learning MyPlan enables the following capabilities Manage Curriculum Enroll Advise
MyPlan will be architected to maximize value to the institution and end-users Technology Applications Information Business User stories define the service. As a user I want to… to achieve… What information does the user need to achieve her goals? Where does that data live? How will MyPlan get it? What technical infrastructure is needed to support the service?
MyPlan Year 1 Primer Goals & ImpactGoal: Help student navigate UW’s curriculum and achieve their academic goals Year 1 ScopeIn Scope: Audience: Undergraduate and Graduate Students Find programs and courses Manage plan Audit and track progress Share with advisor Out of Scope: Audience: Prospects and Parents Native mobile app Exploration of self/learning profile Section level planning Registration shopping cart Development approach Build as Kuali Student module to reduce cost of ownership, align to long-term replacement path. Integrate within UW portfolio according to emerging Enterprise Architecture principles. Timeline Constraints Apr 2012: Present to tri-campus STF Aug 2012: Phase 1 in production
Module 6:: Follow-up Date:February 23, 2012 (note NEW DATE!) Time: 12pm – 2pm ET | 9am – 11am PT Post questions/issues: KS ENR Training, Module 6:: Questions/IssuesKS ENR Training, Module 6:: Questions/Issues Module 6:: Evaluation Please complete short survey:: KS ENR Training - Module 6 EvaluationKS ENR Training - Module 6 Evaluation Next Steps THANK YOU!