Research: Religion How to Take Good Notes and Not Drive Yourself Crazy in the Process
Getting Ready Have materials handy: ◦ Note cards ◦ Highlighters ◦ Pens/pencils ◦ Global text book
Citing an Encyclopedia Database Basic Format: Lastname, Firstname of Author. “Title of Article.” Title of Encyclopedia. Publisher of Encyclopedia, Date of Publication. Web. Date of Access.
Sample Source Card Source # Lastname, Firstname of Author. “Title of Article.” Title of Encyclopedia. Publisher of Encyclopedia, Date of Publication. Web. Date of Access. (Lastname #)
Sample Note Card: Quote Quote—Information that is take WORD FOR WORD directly from the article. Use quotation marks Use quotes rarely
Sample Note Card: Quote SLUG (topic for the card) (source #) “A direct quote is the author’s thoughts in the author’s words.” (Parenthetical Citation)
Sample Note Card: Quote Feudalism –Definition(1) “The feudal system was based on rights and obligations. In exchange for military protection and other services, a lord, or landowner, granted land called a fief. The person receiving a fief was called a vassal.” (Beck et al. 360)
Sample Note Card: Paraphrase Paraphrase-The author’s ideas put into your OWN original language a balance between YOUR words and the author’s ideas.
Sample Note Card: Paraphrase SLUG (topic for the card) (source #) A paraphrase sums up the author’s meaning, but is written in your own words. Bulleted lists (sentences/fragments) Only a few closely related facts per card (Parenthetical Citation)
Sample Note Card: Paraphrase Social Classes (1) Well defined, usually inherited Nobles and knights (fought in battle) Persons of the church (prayed) Peasants (worked) (Beck et al. 360)