The Middle Ages
The beginning…Early Middle Ages Decline of Roman Empire Rise of Northern Europe New forms of government Heavy “Romanization” (religion, language, laws, architecture, government) Latin- “medium aevum” means “middle age” and is source of English word “medieval”
Early Middle Ages Dark Ages (500 CE- 1000 CE) Rise of influence of barbarians -Roman Emperors granted land with the Roman Empire in return for military service
Germanic Peoples Roman empire overrun by Germanic groups with repeated invasions and constant warfare Breakdown of trade: money became scarce. Cities abandoned – no longer center of economy or administration Population became rural. Decline of literacy – priests and other church officials were the few that were literate. Breakup of unified empire – language began to change-No longer Latin. End of Democracy
End of Democracy Rome Unified by loyalty to public government and written law Orderly government Germanic Family ties and personal loyalty People lived in small communities governed by unwritten rules and traditions Ruled by a Chief who led a band or warriors loyal only to him – not some emperor they’d never seen
European Empire Evolves After the decline of the Roman Empire small kingdoms sprang up all over Europe. The largest and the strongest was controlled by the Franks Lead by Clovis – first Christian king Area that is now France Greatest king was Charlemagne most powerful king in Western Europe encouraged learning
Latin -- church, schools Welcome to England and the English… an island of peoples, languages, and divisions... The White Tower in London… Chartres Cathedral Latin -- church, schools French -- court, castle English -- commoners
What was it like to live in the Middle Ages?
The 3 Estates in the Middle Ages The idea of estates, or orders, was encouraged during the Age, but this ordering was breaking down. Clergy Latin chiefly spoken, those who pray, purpose was to save everyone’s soul Nobles French chiefly spoken, those who fight, purpose was to protect—allow for all to work in peace—and provide justice Commoners English spoken, those who work, purpose was to feed and clothe all above them
Expanding Influence of the Church Christian Church has become an important political, economic, spiritual and cultural force in Europe Leading officials of Church were the Pope and Patriarch Banning of heresy (holding beliefs that contradict the official religion) conversion by force Eventually in 11th Century, Church split into two independent branches Eastern Orthodox (Greek) based in Constantinople and Roman Catholic in Rome Christian Church has become an important political, economic, spiritual and cultural force in Europe Leading officials of Church were the bishops of Rome (Pope) and Constantinople (Patriarch) As influence grew, laws were passed to forced people to become Christians and banned heresy (holding beliefs that contradict the official religion) Fines were given against heretics, then harsher penalties and even death Eventually, conversion by force Eventually in 11th Century, Church split into two independent branches Eastern Orthodox (Greek) based in Constantinople and Roman Catholic in Rome
You scratch my back… I’ll scratch yours…. Church was granted favours by Roman Emperors / Kings in return the Church would endorse kings to help secure their rule Church supplied educated administrators to help run kingdoms in return kings would enforce laws that prohibited other religions
Monasticism and Saints Monks were people who gave up worldly possessions and devote themselves to a religious life Established between 400 -700 communities called monasteries which became centres of education, literacy and learning Strict codes of monastic conduct called Rule of St. Benedict Saints- one who performs miracles that are interpreted as evidence of a special relationship with God St. Augustine- wrote “Confessions” which discussed ideas of ethics, self knowledge, and the role of free will which shaped monastic tradition and the influence of Church Rule of St. Benedict- years probation, solemn vows of obedience, chastity, poverty and silence, strict rules, 5-6 hours of prayer, 4 hours of spiritual reading, 5 hours of labour
The Church Provided guidance through well known precepts.. Seven Deadly Sins Pride Greed Wrath Envy Gluttony Sloth Lust
Slaves and Serfs Slaves made up of conquered peoples Some treated harshly, while other were treated fairly Rural slaves became serfs, who worked the land and provided labor for owner (in return for protection) Set up for system of feudalism
Feudalism Increasing violence and lawless countryside Feudalism= relationship between those ranked in a chain of association (kings, vassals, lords, knights, serfs) Feudalism worked because of the notion of mutual obligation, or voluntary co-operation from serf to noble A man’s word was the cornerstone of social life Key terms Fief = land given by a lord in return for a vassal’s military service and oath of loyalty Serfs= aka villeins or common peasants who worked the lords land Tithe = tax that serfs paid (tax or rent) Corvee= condition of unpaid labor by serfs (maintaining roads or ditches on a manor)
Feudalism Manors The lords estate – The lord provided the serfs with housing, farmland and protection Serfs tended the lands, cared for the animals, maintained the estate
Feudalism Manors Peasants rarely traveled more than 25 miles from the manor Was home to 15 – 30 families Self-Sufficient community Peasants heavily taxed, including a tithe – a church tax of 1/10 their income
Chivalry A product of feudalism, chivalry was an idealized system of manners and morals Restricted to nobility The Medieval knight was bound to the chivalric code to be loyal to… God his lord his lady Chivalric ideals include... benevolence brotherly love politeness Sir Gawain is an example
The Age of Chivalry Sons of nobles began training at an early age for knighthood Page – at 7 they were sent to another lord to be trained Squire – at 14 they act as a servant to a knight Knight- at 21 they become a knight and gain experience in local wars and tournaments
The Age of Chivalry Tournaments – mock battles that combined recreation and combat training Fierce and bloody competitions
The Wheel of Fortune The idea of Fortune and her wheel was one of the most pervasive ideas throughout the Middle Ages. On the wheel are depicted four figures: one at the top, one at the bottom, one rising, and one falling.
It served to remind of the temporality of earthly things. Helps understand the medieval mind Important things in life come from within That hard work has its own merits.
the Ptolemaic Universe Imagine a sphere that encloses another that holds another that holds yet another…and continues into heaven… It is a commonly held myth that people of the Medieval period thought the Earth was flat…FALSE! It was round, but at the center of the universe! So what! Well, the people of the Medieval period loved order! Remember the Three Estates, the Seven Deadly Sins—a place for everyone and everyone in that place. Watch for this order to begin to be displaced… the Ptolemaic Universe
High Middle Ages 1050 - 1300
With the Crusades comes The Black Death spreads along trade routes kills much of the population the plague outbreaks occur through the Middle Ages and into the Renaissance Paradoxically, the Plague provides for continued growth in cities Afterwards, hundreds of new jobs available Many debts “died off” with creditors also contributed to society’s culture
The Bubonic Plague Called “black death” because of striking symptom of the disease, in which sufferers' skin would blacken due to hemorrhages under the skin Spread by fleas and rats painful lymph node swellings called buboes buboes in the groin and armpits, which ooze pus and blood. damage to the skin and underlying tissue until they were covered in dark blotches Most victims died within four to seven days after infection EFFECTS Caused massive depopulation and change in social structure Weakened influence of Church Originated in Asia but was blamed on Jews and lepers
Ideas, Inventions and Key Figures Roger Bacon (gunpowder) Luca Pacioli (Father of Accounting) Johannes Gutenberg (printing press) Christine de Pisan (writer); Geoffrey Chaucer (writer) Joan of Arc (Hundred Year’s War) Pope Urban II (indulgences) Pope Innocent IV and Bernard Gui (inquisitions) Parliamentary Government in England
I thought this was an English class! Enough already! I thought this was an English class!
Literature During the Medieval Period
Languages Latin was the language of the Roman Catholic Church, which dominated Europe The Church was the only source of education Thus, Latin was a common language for Medieval writings.
A notable amount of medieval literature is anonymous Medieval authors re-tell and embellish stories they heard or read rather than invent new stories.
Characteristics of Medieval Literature Heroism from both Germanic and Christian traditions, sometimes mingled Beowulf Sir Gawain and the Green Knight Presentations of idealized behavior literature as moral lesson loyalty to king chivalry use of kennings (especially in Beowulf) A figurative, usually compound expression used in place of a name or noun. Example, storm of swords is a kenning for battle.
Use of Allegory Definition: figurative mode of representation conveying a meaning other than the literal. Much of medieval literature relied on allegory to convey the morals the author had in mind while writing
The Ideal of Courtly Love This relationship was modeled on the feudal relationship between a knight and his liege lord. The knight serves his courtly lady with the same obedience and loyalty which he owes to his liege lord. She is in complete control; he owes her obedience and submission