The Renaissance Drama
What information have you to know about Renaissance drama ? When it flourished Its themes Its language The companies of actors The playhouse The playwrights William Shakespeare
1534 Henry VIII’s schism from the Roman church The end of Medieval religious drama Elizabeth I ascended the throne Drama reflects the humanistic spirit of the new age
Renaissance drama deals with: Human nature; Man’s life; The man’s destiny on earth; The man’s position in the universe; English history to express the pride of the nation.
The common language expresses Strong emotions Disruptive passions Joyful
The main characteristics of actors: They belong to all the social classes; They travelled; They were servants of a Lord; They called their companies with the Lord’s name; There were no women; Young boys played women’s roles.
Before Elizabethan throne Playhouse Movable platforms Town square The Elizabethan playhouse: Circular or polygonal in shape; The stage consisted of a rectangular place; Around the theatre there were three tiers of galleries; There weren’t used painted scenary.
The first group of playwright: the “University Wits” Lyly Marlowe Endymion, Midas Tamburlaine, Edward II, Doctor Faustus, The Jew of Malta
Identikit Name: William Surname: Shakespeare Birthday: 1564 Death: 1616 Profession: playwright and actor Company: The King’s men Tragedies: Hamlet, Macbeth, King Lear, Othello Comedies: The Comedy of Errors, Midsummer Night ‘s Dream, The Twelfth Night The Roman plays: Julius Caesar, Antony and Cleoplatra, Coriolanus Romances: Cymbeline, The Winter’s Tale, The Tempest
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