Phraseologism – stable expression, have an independent meaning.
Phraseologisms in Greece myth Pandora‘s box - Source some disasters
Sisif‘s work – Useless, haven‘t end work
Horn abundance – In huge quantity, endless
Gold rain – Big money
Augean stables – Very dirty place
to chop Gordiev knot To solve a problem
Sayings, proverbs No smoke without fire He laughs best who laughs last All is well that ends well Better late than never Extremes meet Habit is a second nature
Phraseologisms - comparisons As bold as a lion As cold as ice As cunning as a fox As sharp as a razor
English phraseologisms Good wine needs no bush On custom, in old England on restaurant hang branch of velvet, when sold wine.
According to Cocker – Right, in rule Cocker author English book Of math in 17 th century.
A black sheep – disgrace of family. In legend devil note black sheep.
Be born under a lucky star – predict old astrologists.
Halcyon days – Bird, who take chick in winter in nest. His nest swim in sea and 2 weeks sea is calm.
As well be handed for a sheep as for a lamb In old English law, for theft of sheep – death execution.
Fortunatus‘es purse – character English fairy tale.
In different countries live different people. They save phraseologisms many countries phraseologisms can be understood by people who lives in this country