Daniel 1 The Challenge, The Response, and the Reward
Nebuchadnezzar: Nebuchadnezzar was the son of Nebuchodonosor [Nabopollassar], ruler of the Chaldeans His Father Died while he (Nebuchadnezzar) was away in his first battle, dispatched to bring down a revolting governor his father had set over Egypt and some surrounding territories The kingdom was held for him by a leader of the Chaldeans until he could settle affairs and return home He conquered many countries in his time and suffered few setbacks of any kind
Jehoiakim: His father Josiah, the king of Judea, died needlessly trying to keep the king of Egypt from passing through on the way to Euphrates to fight the Medes and Babylonians for control of Asia His half brother Jehoahaz was made king, but died three months and ten days into his reign – in Egypt – taken by the king of Egypt The king of Egypt renamed him from Eliakim (Whom God will raise up) to Jehoiakim (He whom Jehovah has set up) and made him king. 4 Years into his reign, Nebuchadnezzar took control of Babylon.
Jehoiakim (continued): In his Eighth year as leader of the Hebrews (as an Egyptian appointee) Nebuchadnezzar came with mighty forces and pressed for tribute or war, and bought his peace For three years he kept this new arrangement, now as the appointee of Babylon After three years he did not pay the tribute due to his faith in the Egyptians being able to resist Nebuchadnezzar The Egyptians fell away heartless (as Jeremiah had prophesied) and thus Nebuchadnezzar came to deal with his rebellious appointee
Nebuchadnezzar Attacks!(1-2) When Nebuchadnezzar returned to the city, Jehoiakim opened the city gates and gave no fight assuming he would pay no terrible price He was wrong! Nebuchadnezzar took articles from the temple of Yahweh to deliver to the temple of his own god. Some of the Jewish nobility and promising children were carried off and the rest were left to generate tribute
The training of Daniel (3-4) It was commonplace for princes to train up wise and gifted men from conquered countries to serve them Indoctrination and befriending of cultural elites often made the rest easier to control If you are going to make slaves of anyone, why not the best and brightest? Enter Daniel, Hananiah, Mishael, and Azariah Given lavish treatment, names that removed their Godly heritage (Belteshazzar, Shadrach, Meshach, Abed- Nego), and an elite public education the young Jews still preferred God’s law.
An Opulent Indoctrination(5-7) The king prescribed a diet from his own table, and 3 years of training in preparation for serving before him Education in Chaldean matters, language, religion and arts Step 1: New God-free names Given NameNew Name DanielBelteshazzar HananiahShadrach MishaelMeshach AzariahAbed-Nego
The King above the king (8-10) Daniel, in the face of opulence, chose to risk his newfound “status elite” to ensure he did not defile himself In the face of what appeared great opportunity, Daniel chose to risk his life to obey God and maintain his Hebrew nature God blessed him The Chief of the eunuchs was not inclined to help
God’s law put to test (11-17) Daniel expected MORE to result from God’s way with LESS than he expected from the very best the king had to offer God is proven faithful Daniel is given a privileged status BECAUSE of his faith in God over that of the king, wealth, and bounty Daniel and the others were recognized for their intellectual accomplishments – clear heads
The result of obedience(18-21) The result of a faithful life… Daniel became a trusted advisor – whose integrity was not in question Proverbs 22:29 NKJV Do you see a man who excels in his work? He will stand before kings; He will not stand before unknown men.