Lesson Three. Outline  Section One: Dialogues  Section Two: Conversation & Interview  Section Three: Dictations.


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Presentation transcript:

Lesson Three

Outline  Section One: Dialogues  Section Two: Conversation & Interview  Section Three: Dictations

Main contents DialoguesConversationsDictations

Vocabulary  Spill: cause or allow (liquid) to flow over the edge of its container, especially unintentionally (尤指无意中)溢出;泼出  Launderette: an establishment with coin- operated washing machines and driers for public use (投币式)自动洗衣店

 Polish: make the surface of (something) smooth and shiny by rubbing it  擦,擦亮,抛光  improve, refine, or add the finishing touches to 改进,使完美,润色

 Miss:(Miss)a title prefixed to the name of an unmarried woman or girl, or to that of a married woman retaining her maiden name for professional purposes  [用在未婚女子姓名前,或出于职业原因保留原姓 名的已婚女子姓名前作为称呼]小姐  Ms: a title used before the surname or full name of any woman regardless of her marital status (a neutral alternative to Mrs or Miss)  [不考虑女性婚姻状况的中性称呼] 女士  Mrs: the title used before a surname or full name to address or refer to a married woman without a higher or honorific or professional title  [用在已婚妇女的夫姓或姓名前] 夫人,太太

 Hitchcock: Sir Alfred (Joseph) (1899–1980), English film director. Acclaimed in Britain for films such as The Thirty-Nine Steps (1935), he moved to Hollywood in Among his later works, notable for their suspense and their technical ingenuity, are the thrillers Strangers on a Train (1951), Psycho (1960), and The Birds (1963) 希区考克,艾尔弗雷德 ( 约瑟夫)爵士 (1899–1980 ,英国电影导演,在英 国因《三十九级台阶》 (1935) 等电影而享有赞誉, 1939 年他移居好莱坞;他的后期作品中,以悬念和技 巧独创性著称的是惊险片《火车怪客》 (1951) 、《精 神病患者》 [1960] 和《群鸟》 [1963] )

Section One Dialogues  A bit long dialogues with multiple choices

Section Two Conversations  Conversation— missing words  Interview— multiple choices, missing words and questions

Section Three Dictations  Dictations  1. There is a small shop at the end of our road…  2. This evening I am going to the cinema…