Marinoto Child Adolescent and Family Services
Split across 4 sites; 2 in the North and 2 in the West Marinoto North Child 124a Shakespeare Road Takapuna, Auckland 0622 Marinoto West Child Child Health Unit Waitakere Hospital Lincoln Road Henderson Waitakere City 0650 Marinoto North Youth Pupuke Building, North Shore Hospital Takapuna Auckland 0740 Marinoto West Youth Waimarino Building Paramount Dr Henderson Waitakere City 0650
Marinoto Teams Provide assessment, diagnosis and treatment to children and young peopleProvide assessment, diagnosis and treatment to children and young people Multidisciplinary Team.Multidisciplinary Team. Assessment and treatment is offered across Marinoto sites, schools, homes and other community facilitiesAssessment and treatment is offered across Marinoto sites, schools, homes and other community facilities Marinoto North and West services are free for New Zealand citizens and residents. Non New Zealand residents may be charged for some services.Marinoto North and West services are free for New Zealand citizens and residents. Non New Zealand residents may be charged for some services.
Marinoto Entry Criteria Clients must reside within WDHB area Be aged between 0 – 19 years old Present with severe psychological distress or significant signs and symptoms of one or more of the following: –Anxiety disorders –Autistic spectrum disorders where the primary presenting issue is psychological distress –Disruptive behaviour disorders (including ADHD and oppositional behaviour) –Eating disorders –Deliberate Self-harm/Suicidal Ideation and/or attempt –Psychosis –Depressed mood –Elevated or mixed mood states
And experience one or more of the following: Functional impairment in more than one domain – e.g. school, family and/or peer group. Impaired ability to care for self Prolonged symptoms that have not spontaneously resolved and/or presenting problems that have not resolved with primary care input Previous contact with specialist mental health services. Cultural disconnection from family
EXCLUSION CRITERIA The services provided by Marinoto will not be available to children, adolescents and youth where in the absence of suspected mental health problems, difficulties are due solely to:The services provided by Marinoto will not be available to children, adolescents and youth where in the absence of suspected mental health problems, difficulties are due solely to: Conduct disorder, criminal activities (anti-social behaviour), violence and angerConduct disorder, criminal activities (anti-social behaviour), violence and anger Elimination disordersElimination disorders Intellectual disability (including post-head injury) with or without behavioural problemsIntellectual disability (including post-head injury) with or without behavioural problems Learning difficultiesLearning difficulties Family stress/parental separation, parenting difficultiesFamily stress/parental separation, parenting difficulties Sexual abuseSexual abuse Substance use/misuseSubstance use/misuse Uncomplicated griefUncomplicated grief
Duty A Duty Clinician provides a single point of entry for triage of referrals. Referrals are taken from any source Duty phone is manned ( ) After Hours Crisis triage is done by the adult service ( ) ( )
Triage Triage is a collaborative process between the client, their family/whanau, caregivers, the referrer and other service providers. Client centred Cultural consultation Interpreters Informed consent