Unit One New Horizon English Course Section C Understanding and Filling in Registration Forms in Registration Forms.


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Presentation transcript:

Unit One New Horizon English Course Section C Understanding and Filling in Registration Forms in Registration Forms

Unit One About Registration Form Sample reading Useful terms Exercise CONTENTS

Unit One About registration form A registration form is often used for someone to register for a meeting, an activity or to check in a hotel. It contains the particulars of the person including his or her title, name(s), birthday, address, ways of contact, nationality, etc.

Unit One Sample reading Please read and understand the following sample registration form. Registration Title: 1 Miss (Miss/Ms/Mr/Mrs/Dr) Family name (Surname): 2 Brown Given name (First name): 3 Joan Date of birth: Day Month Year Home address: 5 No. 107 Selden Street, San Diego, California USA Tel: 6 (414) Fax: 7 (414) Country of birth: 9 Australia Nationality: 10 American

Unit One Sample reading Notes on the sample. 1. Title: 称呼,即称先生、小姐、女士、夫人还是某某博士 2. Family name (Surname or Last name) :姓 3. Given name (First name or Christian name) :名 4. Date of birth: 出生日期。英国人习惯按日 / 月 / 年( dd/mm/yyyy )的顺序而美 国人习惯按月 / 日 / 年( mm/dd/yyyy )的顺序 5. Home address: 家庭地址。注意顺序,从门牌号、街道名、城市名到国家名、 邮政编码,从小到大依次填写。 6. Country of birth: 出生国,即在哪个国家出生。 7. Nationality: 国籍,即现在是哪个国家的公民。注意:此处应用国名的形容词 形式,如例文中用到 American 而不是 America 或 U.S.A. 。中国国籍用 Chinese 而不 用 China 。

Unit One Give the proper translations to the following Chinese phrases. A. 工作地址 B. 已婚 C. 签名 D. 家庭地址 E. 出生年月 F. 全名 G. 永久地址 H. 姓 I. 离婚 J. 性别 K. 姓名略称 L. 年龄 M. 名 N. 婚姻状况 O. 未婚 Work address Married Signature Home address Date of birth Full name Surname (Family name/Last name) Permanent address Useful terms

Unit One Give the proper translations to the following Chinese phrases. A. 工作地址 B. 已婚 C. 签名 D. 家庭地址 E. 出生年月 F. 全名 G. 永久地址 I. 离婚 J. 性别 K. 姓名略称 L. 年龄 M. 婚姻状况 N. 未婚 O. 名 Divorced Sex Initials Age Marital status Single First name (Given name/ Forename/Christian name) Useful terms

Unit One 1. Fill in the following registration form according to the information given below in Chinese. 袁正义先生准备报名参加 9 月 19 日至 21 日召开的国际贸易研讨会 (symposium) 。他的地址是北京清华 路 269 号。电话 , 传真 。因为是会员,他只 需支付 30 美元的会务费。他准备周 六下午到达,参加周日的研讨会。 Exercises

Unit One Beijing Symposium on International Trade (19-21 September, 2003) Family name ______________________ Given name _________________ (Mr./Mrs./Ms./Dr./Prof.) Address _________________________________________________________ Telephone No. _______________________ Fax No._________________ Registration Fee (Must Be Paid By All Participants) Members $ ( ) Non-members $ ( ) Accommodation Fees (including bed, breakfast, morning coffee, lunch, afternoon tea, dinner) Friday afternoon to Saturday$ ( ) Saturday afternoon to Sunday$ ( ) If attending one day only, please indicate which day: Friday ( ) Saturday ( ) Sunday ( ) Yuan Zhengyi No. 269, Qinghua Road, Beijing √ √ √ √ Exercises

Unit One Family Name Jameson Given Name Henry Street 5th Ave. City New York State New York Zip Code Tel (H) (44) Tel (O) (44) Student ID F The following is a registration form. Read it and then complete the sentences that follow. Exercises

Unit One Exercises 1. Who filled out the form? Mr. _________ filled it out. 2. Henry lives at _______________________________________. 3. When you are in New York and Henry is at school, please dial ___________if you want to talk to him. 4. If you are in China and Henry is at home, please dial ______________ when you want to talk to him. 5. If you want to reach Henry by computer, use _______________________________________. 1. Who filled out the form? Mr. _________ filled it out. 2. Henry lives at _______________________________________. 3. When you are in New York and Henry is at school, please dial ___________if you want to talk to him. 4. If you are in China and Henry is at home, please dial ______________ when you want to talk to him. 5. If you want to reach Henry by computer, use _______________________________________. Jameson the 5th Avenue, New York City (44)

Unit One THANK YOU The End