U.S. - Canada School Mental Health Alliance Workshop November 5, 2009 Janice Popp, MSW, RSW Senior Policy and Research Officer Mental Health Commission of Canada
Creation of the Commission was recommended in the first national report on Mental Health (Out of the Shadows at Last, May 2006) Federal government funding provided in March 2007 budget Commission is a not-for-profit corporation at arm’s length from government
Mental Health Commission of Canada: Approach The Commission is a catalyst for action and mental health system transformation Not involved in service delivery or monitoring
Key Initiatives and Activities Mental Health Strategy for Canada “Opening Minds” Anti-stigma / Anti-discrimination Initiative Knowledge Exchange Centre Partners Program Homelessness Research Demonstration Project
Advisory Committees Eight Advisory Committees: Family/Caregivers Child and Youth Science First Nations, Inuit and Métis Service Systems Mental Health and the Law Seniors Workforce
Advisory Committee Projects The Advisory Committees are currently working on projects supporting the Commission’s key initiatives. 24 projects in total at this stage 6 focussed on children and youth
OUT OF THE SHADOWS AT LAST Transforming Mental Health, Mental Illness and Addiction Services in Canada Final Report of The Standing Senate Committee on Social Affairs, Science and Technology The Honourable Michael J.L.Kirby, Chair The Honourable Wilbert Joseph Keon, Deputy Chair May 2006
Recommendations from Out of the Shadows That school boards mandate the establishment of school-based teams made up of social workers, child/youth workers and teachers to help family caregivers navigate and access the mental health services their children and youth require, and that these teams make use of a variety of treatment techniques and work across disciplines. #16
Recommendations from Out of the Shadows # 17 That mental health services for children and youth be provided in the school setting by the school-based mental health teams recommended in previous section. That teachers be trained so that they can be involved in the early identification of mental illness. That teachers be given the time and the practical resources and supports necessary to take on this new role.
Recommendations from Out of the Shadows # 18 That students be educated in school about mental illness and its prevention, and that the Mental Health Commission work closely with educators to develop appropriate promotion campaigns in order to reduce stigma and discrimination.
Recommendations from Out of the Shadows # 24 That provincial and territorial governments encourage their health, education and justice institutions to work closely together in order to provide seamless access to mental health services for children and youth. That greater use be made of case conferencing so as to coordinate and prioritize mental health service delivery to children and youth.
Child and Youth Projects Evergreen Framework Document Youth Council Family Unit Self-stigma Child & Youth Anti-stigma Child & Youth Knowledge Exchange School-Based Mental Health & Addictions
School - Based Mental Health & Addictions 3 year project; 4 components Review of the national and international literature on frameworks and best practices in each major component of school-based interventions (i.e. promotion, prevention, early intervention and treatment) Environmental scan of existing programs and services in Canada National survey of school districts to document current practices as well as perceived needs Translation and exchange of all findings of the review throughout the process as well as in an interactive, national stakeholders Symposium involving researchers, educators, clinicians and policy-makers $385,000 plus additional funds for the Symposium
Opportunities for U.S. – Canadian Collaboration Mental Health Commission of Canada is committed to a model of active knowledge exchange We want to learn from the experiences of others internationally Share results from SBMHA project Encourage and participate in developing intersectoral networks such as Intercamhs
About The Commission Welcome to the Mental Health Commission of Canada website. The Mental Health Commission of Canada is a non-profit organization created to focus national attention on mental health issues and to work to improve the health and social outcomes of people living with mental illness. The Commission, while funded by the Government of Canada, is a national body, not a federal one. It has been endorsed by all levels of government, although the Commission operates at arm's length from them. For further information, check out our website at