The Mental Health, Alcohol and Other Drug Services Plan 2015-2025 The community managed mental health sector response.


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Presentation transcript:

The Mental Health, Alcohol and Other Drug Services Plan The community managed mental health sector response

Mental Health & Smoking: Clearing the Air Workshop 14 Oct 2010 PURPOSE OF THIS EVENT Unpack some of the services and opportunities Explore what services should look like Take the opportunity to shape and drive community based recovery oriented services Focus on the opportunities, on what could be.

Mental Health & Smoking: Clearing the Air Workshop 14 Oct 2010 The Plan Key Directions – services Increased investment in MH, AOD Rebalancing the system: –Prevention and promotion –Early intervention – community support and treatment – hospital based specialised services –Shift away from acute hospital based care –Shift services closer to where people live –Provide forensic services in the community, hospital and prisons

Mental Health & Smoking: Clearing the Air Workshop 14 Oct 2010 Key Directions – services in detail Prevention and promotion will increase from 1% to 5% of the total spend Shift the focus of services to early intervention and supporting people before they need acute care, in the community: Reconfigure hospital beds – close Graylands, increase beds in regional hospitals Double community based beds - short, medium and long stay services Develop Hospital in the Home

Mental Health & Smoking: Clearing the Air Workshop 14 Oct 2010 Key Directions – services in detail continued Expand community treatment services: Community treatment services will be doubled, with 3 main service types: Acute services: community based crisis response, urgent assessment and support Intensive community treatment – assessment, pro-active treatment & interventions, recovery oriented. Mobile outreach & multidisciplinary Continuing intervention services for people living with serious conditions, that may have co-existing conditions, who require ongoing specialist case management. Child & adolescent community treatment services to almost double by 2017

Mental Health & Smoking: Clearing the Air Workshop 14 Oct 2010 Key Directions – services in detail continued Expand community support: Community support hours to increase more than five-fold over ten years To double over two years with a focus on youth, and rural and remote areas New and expanded programs to be co-designed and delivered by the NGO sector and to include: Local recovery supports, can include recovery education Housing access strategy New transition housing & support services In-reach treatment & support (9,400 hours metro & regional),

Mental Health & Smoking: Clearing the Air Workshop 14 Oct 2010 Key Directions – services in detail continued System improvement & supporting change: Implementation of the MH Bill Build on & improve PECN & YPECN Pilot a community coordination service Expand services for families and carers Improve system information and other resources Increase the peer workforce Increase the aboriginal workforce Improve workforce capability; recovery, co-occuring issues, physical health

Mental Health & Smoking: Clearing the Air Workshop 14 Oct 2010 Key Directions – services in detail continued Specialised State-wide Services Community bed based, and treatment focused services: Specialised homelessness services; Youth and adult eating disorders services; Perinatal specialised services; Specialist Aboriginal mental health service; Transcultural mental health services; Children in Care Program; Hearing and Vision Impaired service; Neuropsychiatry and neurosciences specialised services; Sexuality, Sex and Gender Diversity Service; Expanding access to ADHD services; Co-occurring mental illness and disability service.

Mental Health & Smoking: Clearing the Air Workshop 14 Oct 2010 Recovery and the consumer voice Responding to co-occurring issues – AOD & trauma Service integration and system navigation Cultural competency Youth-specific MH services Organisational effectiveness and efficiency Workforce ICT Key Directions - system improvement & supporting change…

Mental Health & Smoking: Clearing the Air Workshop 14 Oct 2010 The Conversation is underway… At WAAMH’s Facebook page: Association-for-Mental- Health/ https:// Association-for-Mental- Health/

Mental Health & Smoking: Clearing the Air Workshop 14 Oct 2010 Focus on the person, not the services Voices of consumers need to be expressed in the Plan Address stigma - normalisation Housing, housing, housing... Social and economic participation Lived experience empowerment; co-design, co-delivery, co-evaluation.. More support for families and carers Why aren’t the MHC Outcome Statements in the Plan? Integration and collaboration, system coordination and navigation, integration of MH and AOD, Funding uncertainty, defunding of Commonwealth programs ‘as the state steps up the commonwealth steps back” Capacity building critical to the success of the plan Employment is identified as a key success factor but no investment planned in proven employment responses (e.g. IPS, social enterprise) Expand role of GPs and primary care. How can the state influence Commonwealth? Need an increased focus on infants, children and early family parenting Youth and prevention and promotion Rural and regional - capacity building, vastly increased services, culturally secure, youth and adolescent MH urgent priority, community beds, AOD, police responses, prevention for young people, workforce issues Trauma informed care Workforce issues – specialised workforce, peers, skills and competencies, local capacity, their own health and well-being, clinical input Forensic beds and community based services are urgent, particular issue in Kimberley, forensic services to be provided by NGOs not just govt, How will decisions about implementation be made? Who will be involved in the process? Need for extensive consultation and engagement state-wide What about monitoring and evaluation? What the conversation is saying...

Mental Health & Smoking: Clearing the Air Workshop 14 Oct 2010 Continue the conversation… At WAAMH’s Facebook page: Association-for-Mental- Health/ https:// Association-for-Mental- Health/

Mental Health & Smoking: Clearing the Air Workshop 14 Oct 2010 Framework for the community sector response The Plan is provider and funder neutral The business cases for the first stage of investment will be prepared in coming weeks, months, so we can: –Explore new opportunities for the sector –Shape the design of community-based recovery oriented services –Identify how to create the cultural change required to fulfil the principles of recovery

Mental Health & Smoking: Clearing the Air Workshop 14 Oct 2010 Thank you! YOUR QUESTIONS ARE WELCOME