BASIC TRUTHS: God has established certain universal, non- optional principles of life. God has established certain universal, non- optional principles of life. Failure to live by these principles will directly affect our attitude towards money. Failure to live by these principles will directly affect our attitude towards money.
PURPOSE: To convey that money is a trust from God and must be earned and managed according to scriptural principals. To convey that money is a trust from God and must be earned and managed according to scriptural principals. To teach individuals how to take charge of their economic circumstances and live self-sufficient lives as kingdom citizens. To teach individuals how to take charge of their economic circumstances and live self-sufficient lives as kingdom citizens.
OBJECTIVE: To develop an understanding of biblical principles in the area of finances and how to apply them. To develop an understanding of biblical principles in the area of finances and how to apply them. To learn to apply the basic concepts of a) Giving; b) Receiving; and c) Managing. To learn to apply the basic concepts of a) Giving; b) Receiving; and c) Managing. To become free from financial bondage. To become free from financial bondage. To be committed to learning and applying God’s principles of financial freedom, as opposed to the world’s system of finances. To be committed to learning and applying God’s principles of financial freedom, as opposed to the world’s system of finances.
Learn what it means to be financially free Deut. 8:11,
FINANCIAL FREEDOM MEANS… 1.Giving Luke 6:38 Tithes & Offering Malachi 3:10 Tithes & Offering Malachi 3:10 To the poor Proverbs 19:17; 28:27 To the poor Proverbs 19:17; 28:27 To other Christians Romans 12:13 To other Christians Romans 12:13
2.Receiving 2 Corinthians 9:6 Through diligent labor Romans 12:11 Through diligent labor Romans 12:11 Through creative resourcefulness Proverbs 31:13 Through creative resourcefulness Proverbs 31:13 Through answers to prayer Philippians 4:6 Through answers to prayer Philippians 4:6 FINANCIAL FREEDOM MEANS…
3.Managing Luke 16:10 Building sales resistance Proverbs 20:14 Building sales resistance Proverbs 20:14 Looking for the best buy Proverbs 31:16 Looking for the best buy Proverbs 31:16 Being prompt in paying bills Proverbs 3:28 Being prompt in paying bills Proverbs 3:28 FINANCIAL FREEDOM MEANS…
Learn to Live Within Your Income Philippians 4:
LIVE WITHIN YOUR INCOME 1.You are poor when you cannot secure sufficient food, clothing, or shelter. 2.God will cause those who disobey His Word to lose money.
LIVE WITHIN YOUR INCOME 3.We should work for our substance 1 Thessalonians 4:10-12; 2 Thessalonians 3:10; Proverbs 20:4 4.Reduce your bills and improve your quality of life.
LIVE WITHIN YOUR INCOME Contentment – Realizing that God has given me everything I need for my present happiness! Contentment – Realizing that God has given me everything I need for my present happiness!
Be Committed to An Effective Accounting System 1 Corinthians 4:2 12
EFFECTIVE ACCOUNTING SYSTEM 1.It allows us to see what God has entrusted to us. 2.It motivates us to use what God has given us. 3.It forces us to live within our means.
4.It prepares us to give an account to God. 5.It signals the need for future planning. EFFECTIVE ACCOUNTING SYSTEM
Prepare NOW for a Lasting Heritage Matthew 6:
PREPARING FOR A LASTING HERITAGE 1.Pass on a good name. Proverbs 22:1 2.Transfer a godly cause and basic life teaching. Deuteronomy 4:9
3.Understand God’s purposes for an inheritance. PREPARING FOR A LASTING HERITAGE
a.Provision for the sick and elderly. b.A resource for education, business and home purchase. c.Assisting the poor. PREPARING FOR A LASTING HERITAGE
Contact Information Reverend Esther L. Gordon Education and Training Department Head First Baptist Church of Glenarden Phone: Thank you! It has been a pleasure to serve you!