Energy Systems Program Maysville (KY) Community and Technical College NSF ATE Project DUE
The College Maysville CTC is a small college located about 65 miles north-west of Lexington, Kentucky and 65 miles up-river from Cincinnati, OH Enrollment is about 1590 FTE (full-time equivalent – total number of hours taken by all students divided by 16) at three campuses
Our Academic Program in Energy Systems We have an Associate in Applied Science degree in Energy Systems, with an Option in Power Plant Operations We also have a credit hour Power Plant Operator “Certificate”
Our Industry Partners East Kentucky Power Cooperative Dayton Power & Light
East Kentucky Power Spurlock Unit 1: 325 MW net (1977) Spurlock Unit 2: 525 MW net (1981) Gilbert Unit 3: 268 MW net (2005) Gilbert Unit 4: 268 MW net (2009) Gilbert Units 3 and 4 are fluidized bed A new scrubber is being built for Units 1 and 2
Dayton Power & Light J.M.Stuart Units 1, 2, 3, 4: 600 MW each 2400 total MW (1971 – 1974) Killen Unit 2: 600 MW (1982) Scrubbers are being brought online at both sites
National Science Foundation Advanced Technological Education (ATE) Program “With an emphasis on two-year colleges, the Advanced Technological Education (ATE) program focuses on the education of technicians for the high-technology fields that drive our nation's economy. The program involves partnerships between academic institutions and employers to promote improvement in the education of science and engineering technicians at the undergraduate and secondary school levels.”
NSF-ATE DUE Power Plant Technology Program This project is developing and implementing a comprehensive power plant technology program providing operators, maintenance technicians and environmental laboratory technicians for the power plant industry. The curriculum is being based on specific training needs of regional power plants.
NSF-ATE DUE Three year project Total award of $759, Of that total equipment $150, Also pays ½ the salary of the Program Coordinator for the three years We also received $120, in state workforce development funds
Goals of the NSF-ATE Project Goal # 1. Develop and implement a certificate program for power plant operators. Goal # 2. Develop and implement an associate degree program (Energy Systems Technology). Goal # 3. Develop and implement career- enhancement programs for incumbent workers.
Goals of the NSF-ATE Project Goal # 4. Develop on-line courses and modules to support certificate, associate degree, and incumbent worker training. Goal # 5. Assist other two-year colleges to adapt and implement PPT programs. Goal # 6. Assist graduates to find employment in the power plant industry.
Impetus for the Program EKP and DP&L contacted the college about Power Plant Operations training Both EKP and DP&L were looking at a high retirement rate and new pollution control equipment coming online in the near future
Curriculum Development Process A DACUM (Develop A Curriculum) was performed, with EKP and DP&L providing SMEs (subject matter experts) MCTC has three faculty members with a total of more than 30 years power plant experience MCTC developed curriculum in conjunction with representatives from EKP and DP&L
Power Plant Operator Certificate MT115Technical Mathematics3 PHX 150Introduction to Physics3-5 ET102Blue Print Reading2 ET210Thermodynamics3 ES211Power Plant Operations I: Introduction to Power Plant Operations3 ES110Power Plant Chemistry3 IS100Introduction to Industrial Safety3 ES212Power Plant Operations II: Boilers/Fuel/Air/Combustion/Emissions3 ES213Power Plant Operations III: Water/Steam/ Turbines/Generators3 ES130Electrical Concepts3 COE 199Cooperative Education3 Total32-34
AAS in Energy Systems – Gen Ed. MT115Technical Mathematics3 ENG101Writing I3 *PHX150Introduction to Physics3-5 Heritage/Humanities3 Social Interaction (ECO 101 Preferred)3 Communications3 Computer Literacy0-3 Subtotal18-23
AAS in Energy Systems Technical Core ES101Introduction to Energy Systems3 ES211Power Plant Operations I: Introduction to Power Plant Operations3 IS100Introduction to Industrial Safety3 ET102Blueprint Reading2 ES220Power Plant Thermodynamic Applications 3 ENV 110Introduction to Environmental Technology 4 ES110Introduction to Petroleum Based Fuels3 ES280Capstone in Energy Systems3 Subtotal24
AAS in Energy Systems – Power Plant Operations Option ES212Power Plant Operations II: Boilers/Fuel/Air/Combustion/Emissions 3 ES213Power Plant Operations III: Water/Steam/ Turbines/Generators 3 ES214Power Plant Operations IV: Auxiliaries 3 ES120Power Plant Chemistry 3 ES130Electrical Concepts 3 ES132Electrical Machinery and Controls 3 ISM 210Fundamentals of Process Control 3 COE 199Cooperative Education in Energy Systems 3 Subtotal 24
Curriculum Timeline Certificate Program – –Piloted beginning March 2006 –System Approval March 2007 –First graduates December 2007 Associate Degree Program –System approval March 2007 –Certificate courses part of AAS –Additional courses beginning Fall 2007 –First graduates May 2008 Curriculum Materials at
Project Strong Points Faculty – fortunate to have three faculty members with over thirty years of combined experience in Power Plants Adjunct Faculty – fortunate to have personnel from the local plants teach Operations courses Equipment Expense – currently minimized by instructors from power plants conducting classes at the plants
Project Challenges Producing graduates in a timely manner Keeping Early Leavers in Program –21 students are now working full-time in the power plants – Students hired without completing certificate have been encouraged to continue in program –Plans for online courses will help early leavers continue in program
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