Who is controlling the process of learning? high Open inquiry Directed inquiry Teacher low high Selle skeemi mõte on demonstreerida, kuidas suunatud uurimuslikus õppes on nii õpetaja kui õpilased kõige aktiivsemad. Kui õppetöös kasutatakse ainult õpikut (textbook), siis ei huvita see ei õpetajat ega õpilast – tegelikult juhib õpik kogu õppeprotsessi (seega õpiku autorid), kui õpetaja on väga aktiivne, siis ta mässab katsetega, näeb hullult vaeva, kuid kui need on „kokaraamatu katsed“ (tee nii ja tee ni, …), siis õpilasi see ka palju ei huvita. Avatus uurimuslik õpe (open inquiry) – hea alguse klassid – õpilased tegelevad sellega, mis neid huvitab, kuid õpetaja ei juhenda ega juhi. Suunatud uurimuslik õpe – programm on koostatud hierarhilisel põhimõttel – lihtsamalt keerulisemale – koostöös on huvitav nii õpilastel kui õpetajal, kõik on aktiivselt asja kallal. Demonstrations and “cook-book” activities Textbook Student low
Directed learning by discoverING? Study process based on curriculum Discover by doing by hand Learning process based on understanding There will form complete understanding of the world and developing scientific thinking Students learn to express themselves by writing and also orally Obtaining high level cognitive skills Obtaining social skills
WHY INCQUIRy LEARNING? New curriculum assumes that students are creative and innovative How students study the best? Chidren are natively curious. They don’t affraid to be mistaken How really things are? Did inquiry learning helps students to be more creative?
Why inquiry learning is good? Inquiry learning supports the principle of equality Every student can participate in a process Students are creative, innovative Learning environment is mainly active, student-oriented Learning process offers students satisfaction and experience of success Students maintains the desire to study for a life Joy School - /Koolirõõm/
CREATIVITY AND Innovation expert Ken Robinson from Greate Britain Education should direct us to the future which right now we can’t grasp All children are extreamly gifted Our education leaves students without creativity
problems of manifestation of creativity in estonian schools Our curriculums are build up mainly for logical- rational thinking, to remember information. Creative thinking expects integration of different information and based on that find unusual connections. Today’s learning process in Estonian shcool is still not enough supportive for creativity, not enough differential and because of that lot of gifted students looses their inner motivation to participate activly in a learning process.
problems of manifestation of creativity in estonian schools Creative thinking is connected to divergent thinking. This means some diffusion of thoughts. How school today takes students with divergetial thinking? They are not widely recognized... Student with original thinking have oftenly not very excellent behavior. They are oftenly cumbersome.
CHAINESE PROVERB I hear, and I forget, I see, and I remember, I do, and I understand!
SEQUENCE OF STC UNITS 1 2 3 4 5 6 Magnets and Motors Technology of Paper Measuring Time Experiments with Plants 6 Floating and Sinking Food chemistry Ecosystems Microworlds 5 Electric Circuits Motion and Design Land and Water Animal Studies 4 Sound Chemical Tests Rocks and Minerals Plant Growths & Development 3 Balancing and Weighing Changes Soils The Life Cycles of Butterflies 2 Comparing and Measuring Solids and Liquids Weather Organisms 1 Selles tabelis on üks USA-s kasutusel olev avastusõppe teemade loetelu. Meie oleme võtnud teemasid mitmest süsteemist, seetõttu on meil lisaks näiteks teema „Meeled“, „Pallid ja kaldpinnad“. Need on pärit õppesüsteemist „INSIGHT“.
Herbert Simon 1978 Nobel price in economics What is the meaning of “KNOWING”? “REMEMBER AND REPEAT” or “FIND AND USE”? Mis on „teadmine“? Kas meelde jätta ja üles öelda või leida ja osata kasutada? Tänapäeval kõige teadmine ei tule kõne allagi – infotulv on nii võimas – sega peaksid lapsed õppima infot leidma ja kasutama!
Bruce Albert's President of Academy of Science of USA 1993-2005 “Science at school is something that YOU DO, not something that is DONE FOR YOU” Käelise tegevuse olulisus – Õpilased ise teevad koolis, mitte õpetaja ei tee neile midagi valmis!
Johannes Käis Teacher of science and educationalist 1885 - 1950 Don’t do things for students that they could do themselves! Don’t tell students answers, if they are able to discover those themselves!
INQUIRY SCIENCE FOR PRE-SCHOOL Senses Weather Comparing and measuring Liquids Colors
INQUIRY SCIENCE FOR PRIMARY SCHOOL Solids and liquids Senses Comparing and measuring Weather Changes Organisms Magnets ja motors Life cycles of butterflies Food chemistry
Steps of learning cycle Focusing: Students and teacher will clarify and demonstrate what they already know about the topic. They mutually define their goals and working questions. Exploring: students make predictions about the topic, then they investigate and explore the objects and phenomena of interest. They are documenting their work in notebooks. Reflecting: Children will discuss the results of their observations and reconcile their ideas. They themselves express what they have learned from the theme or sub-theme. Applying : The children discuss and apply their new ideas in new situations. See on mingil määral uurimusliku õppe printsiip. Veel paremini olen seda seletanud skeemiga – kuidas töötavad teadlased – lisan eestikeelse!
How to investicate in inquiry learning? Phenomenon and our knowledge What do we want to know? Predictions – how things could be? How to investigate: Practical sequence? Facilities Loodusteaduslik uurimismeetod lk 20 Experiment Did predictions fulfilled? Documentation 18
ICT equipment used in classroom BYOD – Bring Your Own Device Smart classroom Tests and feedback A lot of Apps
ICT influence to the Inquiry process Test-boxes vs. Apps Define and find additional information needed Based on additional information rethink a hypothesis Try to find some different connections between information gathered
ICT equipment in expression process Documentation