25 Sept 2006
JUPAS Operations Preparations for the 2007 cycle Important Dates / Events Questions & Answers Useful Contact Details Feature Highlights of Homepage / Online Application System for Applicants Demonstration
Preparations for 2007 JUPAS
What Is JUPAS & How It Works? Application & Preparation Course Selection & Prioritization What To Do After Application? Preparations
What is JUPAS? How does it work?
JUPAS - What is it? JOINT UNIVERSITY PROGRAMMES ADMISSIONS SYSTEM 1 Application 25 programmes at maximum both degree courses and associate degree / higher diploma programmes Associate degree are offered by CityU while higher diploma courses by PolyU.
As from the 2007 cycle, the JUPAS Office will process applications for admission to the full-time bachelor’s degree programmes of The Open University of Hong Kong (OUHK) There are no other changes to the JUPAS system including the management and governance system of JUPAS, and applicants will continue to be allowed 25 programme choices Participation of OUHK under JUPAS
Participating Institutions (2007) NEW CityU HKBU LU CUHK HKIEd PolyU HKUST HKU OUHK
JUPAS - How does it work? Each programme will give you a rating in accordance with its criteria for selection. Your AL & CE results, information contained in your application form, interview(s) performance and / or test(s) are considered.
JUPAS - How does it work? A computer system will then match the order of preference you have assigned to the study programmes of your choice with the rating you have achieved for these programmes. You will be made an offer of the highest priority on your programme list for which you have the required rating.
JUPAS - How does it work? Iteration Process
Preparations Application & Preparation Preparation (from now to Dec 2)
Paper application form will NOT be accepted Application
Programme Changes $75 Application $400 Fees Schedule Reprioritization Changes Free
Credit Card The JUPAS Office has no access to any of the above account information of applicants E-Banking Cash WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED Payment Channels PPS ( online only )
Additional Information on Payment Channels Applicants NEED NOT be the cardholders internet banking of: 1 The Bank of East Asia 2 Hang Seng Bank & 3 HSBC
Applicants (with or without a BEA account) can pay IN CASH at any branch of The Bank of East Asia to the following account: (Cheque / Bank Transfer will NOT be accepted) Name of Account Joint University Programmes Admissions System (JUPAS) Account No CASH PAYMENT Additional Information on Payment Channels
E-BANKING / CASH PAYMENT (BEA only ) Applicants who are making their payment via e-banking / cash payment at the BEA should note the following: a.they must make their payment at least 1 working day before submitting their applications; AND b.they must produce their own HKID card no. in making the payment in order that the system can identify applicants who have paid
Secondary School PAYMENT via SCHOOL will NO LONGER be required Additional Information on Payment Channels
Application Dec 2, 2006 (11:59pm) Deadlines May 23, 2007 Principal’s Nominations May 28, 2007 (11:59pm) Programme Changes Reprioritization June 30-July 2, 2007 (each applicant will have his/her allocated time-slot) March 31, 2007 Self Recommendation Scheme
Application Deadlines - Internal Internal Deadline Nov 26, 2006 (11:59pm)
Self Recommendation Scheme to encourage students to actively participate in extra-curricular activities to promote all-round education Aim
Applicants with outstanding achievements in extra- curricular activities such as those listed in Appendix 4 of 2007 JUPAS Guide Applicants to compile a portfolio of such additional information for consideration by the institutions Eligibility / Procedures Self Recommendation Scheme
Submission of supporting documents to JUPAS Office Self Recommendation Scheme SECTION 1 Required SECTIONS 2 – 5 Only upon request by institutions
Deadline for Submission Supporting Documents May 31, 2007 to JUPAS Office March 31, 2007 (11:59 pm) via Online Application System Portfolio Self Recommendation Scheme
Preparations Course selection & Reprioritization
Refer to Guide book
SKH Lam Kau Mow Secondary School Further Discussion at SCHOOL Course Selection
JUPAS Sharing Day on 25 October 2006 A special event!
Preparations What to do after application? application?
Preparations How about interviews? interviews?
Preparations Writing personal statement
Important Dates to Remember
ONLINE DEMO ( for Applicants) 22 INITIAL PASSWORD for applicants via school via courier 21 SEPTEMBER REGISTRATION via the Web from 25
Jan 8 ~ May 28 Applicants can AMEND PROGRAMME CHOICES via the Web Mar 31 Deadline for submission of SELF RECOMMENDATION portfolio & certified true copies of supporting documents JANUARY - MAY
Jun 30 ~ Jul 2 Applicants to RE-PRIORITIZE their study programme choices during their allocated time-slot JUNE Applicants to check their ALLOTED TIME-SLOT from 1 29 Announcement of the 2007 HKALE results
JULY 31 Announcement of the 2007 MAIN ROUND Offer Results via the Online Application System
OfferAnnouncement Date (2007) Medium of AnnouncementDate of Acceptance of Offer (2007) Method of Acceptance Decline Offer Main Round July 31 Homepage of JUPAS Homepage of the 9 participating institutions 24-Hour Hotline ( ) JUPAS Office notice board Aug 1-3 CityU: Jul 31-Aug 3 Go in person to institution offering admission / online acceptance as applicable If you receive an offer, whether you accept / register at the institution offering admission or not, you will NOT be reconsidered for admission to any other study programmes offered under JUPAS in the same academic year Clearing Round Aug 13 JUPAS Homepage SMS (only applicable to those who choose to receive one) Aug Via JUPAS website Subsequent Rounds Aug JUPAS Homepage SMS (only applicable to those who choose to receive one) By 8am of the following day after notification is received Via JUPAS website You may be further considered only if vacancies are still available Summary of Arrangements for Clearing & Subsequent Rounds
Web Interface for Applicants (Enhancement Features)
Click to add programme(s) to your programme choice list Add NEW SELECT PROGRAMME CHOICES
Click on the subject to view the message Message / from JUPAS Please click on the subject to view the message /06/2007 Check NEW 2007
(General Enquiry) (24-Hour Hotline) Useful Contact Details (Fax)
Questions & & Answers
for attending this