ISAC Update June 16, 2011
State Budget Update Illinois General Assembly adjourned its Spring legislative session on May 31 Approved a fiscal year 2012 budget that spends significantly less than had been requested by the Governor Legislators approved $386,680,000 for MAP, which is $17.2 million less than FY11 levels Also eliminated state support for the Student-to- Student grant program in FY12 2
State Legislative Update Variety of financial aid-related bills/changes passed by both houses and sent to the Governor See the June 6 Legislative Update posted to the e- Library for a summary 3
Commission Meeting Schedule Next meeting is July 8, 2011 Rescheduled from June 17 James R. Thompson Center in Chicago MAP recompute formula will be one of the agenda items Remaining meetings for 2011 September Southern Illinois University, Carbondale November Robert Morris University, Chicago 4
July 1, 2011 Rule Changes Grant Programs for Dependents of Police/Fire/Correctional Clarifies that when a disability is involved, the child must be in the legal custody of the officer at the time the injury was sustained. Special Education Teacher Tuition Waiver Program New amendments provide clarification to ensure it is the university making the determination that a student is accepted or enrolled in a Special Education program in order for the student to be considered an eligible applicant. An additional modification allows an exception to the repayment period start date when a tuition recipient is transferring from one participating university to another and is continuously enrolled but not yet admitted to the special education teacher program. 5
July 1, 2011 New Rules Public Act created the new Community College Transfer Grant Program Provides grant assistance, subject to appropriation, to students who have received an associate’s degree at an Illinois community college and who are pursuing a baccalaureate degree at a public or private institution of higher education in Illinois. Effective date of the legislation was July 1, 2010, however, the program was not funded for FY2011. Rules regarding applicant eligibility requirements, program procedures and institutional procedures have been established in the event an appropriation is received for FY2012 and beyond. 6
Program News Illinois National Guard (ING) Grant Summer term payment requests are due on or before Friday, July 1, 2011 Grant Programs for Dependents of Police/Fire/Correctional Officers Summer term payment requests are due on or before June 17, 2011 Student to Student Grant Program second semester/third quarter payment claims were due June 15,
Close Out Schools are encouraged to reconcile program data and report all adjustments and cancellations as soon as possible Appropriation balances are impacted by the return of program funds. The MAP offset process is continuously monitored as decisions concerning releasing payment of MAP late claims are being considered. 9
Close-Out All submissions of payment requests (including initial claims and supplemental claims) for ISAC- administered gift assistance programs must be received on or before July 1, 2011 Exception: Robert C. Byrd Honors Scholarship Program had a payment request deadline of May 15 10
MAP Close-Out Dates July 1, 2011 All payment requests (initial claims and supplemental claims) are due July 29, 2011 Deadline to submit MAP cancellations, refunds, or reductions via MAPnet until the site becomes unavailable at 7 p.m. July 31, 2011 Generate all necessary reports (including Payment Results Reports and Payment Results Summary Reports) August 1, 2011 MAPnet application for becomes available for historical view only 11
Reconciliation Reminders Payments must be reconciled on a student-by-student basis. When returning funds, use Check Return Form to specify programs, amounts, terms, check information, etc. 12
Program News Silas Purnell Illinois Incentive for Access Grant No funding for Student to Student Program of Matching Grants No state funding for Robert C. Byrd Scholarship Program No federal funding for
Program News Teacher Education Scholarship Programs – IFTC, MTI and Golden Apple Certifications available in My Zone Only applicants with a completed certification will receive a notification letter regarding their eligibility Only applicants with a complete and eligible certification record will be considered for an award Currently, there are more then 400 outstanding certifications Initial qualification process started on June 1 Corrections cannot be made online in My Zone after an eligible record has been qualified Contact School Services for assistance 16
Program News Illinois National Guard Grant Online application available; deadline dates are: October 1 – full year consideration March 1 – spring and summer terms June 15 – summer only Special Education Teacher Tuition Waiver Award notifications were sent to 250 recipients on April 25, 2011 No longer accepting applications 17
Program News Bonus Incentive Grant Application will be available on August 1, 2011 Grant Programs for Dependents of Police, Fire and Correctional Officers New application is available at Deadline dates: October 1 – full year consideration March 1 – spring and summer terms June 15 – summer only 18
Training Events ISAC Workshops Financial Aid 101, June 21 Financial Aid 201, June 22 Both will be held at Prairie State College in Chicago Heights, IL to Veteran program sessions in July/Aug Dates to be determined Other requests/suggestions 19
Pell Grant DCL P-11-02, issued April 27, 2011, provides guidance on the impact of the Department of Defense and Full- Year Continuing Appropriations Act on the Pell Grant Program for award year Confirms that second scheduled Pell awards are being eliminated beginning with award year and includes information on: changes made to the eligibility of students for a second scheduled award changes to the requirements for awarding a Pell Grant for a 2011 crossover payment period Maintains a maximum award of $5,550 for
Program Integrity Rules Gainful Employment DCL GEN Definition of a Credit Hour DCL GEN State Authorization DCLs GEN and GEN Incentive Compensation DCL Gen
Program Integrity Rules Misrepresentation DCL GEN Ability to Benefit DCL GEN
24 25 26
Other Important Guidance … DCL GEN-11-0 Explains enhancements to FAFSA-IRS Data Retrieval Process Summarizes ED’s plans for the FAFSA processing cycle to increase accuracy of information used to determine students’ eligibility for federal student aid DCL GEN Provides guidance for helping Title IV participants affected by a natural disaster 27
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