Pop Culture TV, Movies, and Everything Else
Discussion How are TV and Movies shaped by society? How do TV and Movies shape society?
1940s Radio
It’s a Wonderful Life
1950s Rise of Television
1950s Howdy Doody I Love Lucy
Monster Movies
Rebels James Dean Elvis Presley Beat Poetry
Discussion How are TV and Movies shaped by society? How do TV and Movies shape society?
Early 1960s TV Westerns To Kill a Mockingbird
Late 1960s Color TV Political TV Smothers Brothers Laugh In
1960s Movies Dr. StrangeloveThe Graduate
1970s Television Vietnam on TV Sitcoms All in the Family Happy Days Charlie’s Angels
Horror Movies
Blockbusters Jaws (1975)
Star Wars (1977)
Discussion What visions about American Society do the television shows and movies from the 1960s and 1970s promote?
1980s Television MTV Cheers Cosby Show
Bush Gulf War on TV Boyz n the Hood
1990s TV Simpsons Seinfeld
1990s Movies TitanicReality Bites
Discussion How did TV and Movies change from the 60s and 70s to the 80s and 90s? What does that change say about the visions for American society in those decades?
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