Culture As we go through each decade we will discuss three different parts of their culture Popular fads Entertainment “The American Dream”
The 1950s Truman and Eisenhower’s domestic policies allowed for an “economy of abundance” GI Bill More goods and services were being produced than ever before Income increased Home ownership increased White collar jobs increased
The 1950s With increased money came increased spending People now had a desire to buy the “luxury” items Advertising became an extremely important and influential position Suburban Life became more popular Levittown
The 1950’s family hanges also caused a change in the “typical 50s family” All these changes also caused a change in the “typical 50s family” Baby Boom million babies were born Women The role of “homemaker” was more emphasized The role of “homemaker” was more emphasized The role of “homemaker” was more emphasized Despite this, more women were working in the 50s Had to support luxurious lifestyles
Technological Breakthroughs Transistors made small radios and calculators possible. The earliest computers built. ENIAC and UNIVAC Medical advances Polio vaccine Salk, Sabin Television
50s Culture New technological advances also came through in the entertainment industry Television One in most houses- 80% News Reached everyone Programs Entertained everyone The Lone Ranger, Dragnet, Ed Sullivan, Quiz Show The Lone Ranger The Lone Ranger
1950s Culture Hollywood adjusts to the TV Boom After a drop in viewers, they adapted Bigger screens Produced TV shows Sold movie rights to TV TV and movies portrayed the ideals of the time No lead roles for African Americans Showed the “typical” family life
1950s Culture Not everyone followed main stream culture Rock n’ Roll Stemmed from African American rhythm and blues songs Very popular among teens Elvis Presley, Chuck Berry, Buddy Holly Elvis Presley Elvis Presley Adults did not like this music Generation gap
1950s Culture The Beat Movement Artists who were “beat” down from society Wrote about conformity and emptiness of popular culture Alan Ginsberg, Jack Kerouac African Americans Found an outlet again through entertainment Musicians Chuck Berry, Little Richard, and Ray Charles Little RichardLittle Richard Gained notoriety and respect among white society
Assignment Create a travel Brochure for the 1950s Highlight all the areas that would make people want to live in the 50s Technology, higher wages, better family life, etc. Brochure must include 5 pieces of information about the 50s 5 pictures with color