1st Steinhausen Conference Hamburg, 28 August 2006 Greening Steinhausen Martin Claussen 1981: 16.Stock, : 3.Stock, 1985: 17.Stock : Pav.2.Stock, 2005-?: Stock intro good old times Stein- Hausen? biomes systems open questions
Hawaii 1985 intro good old times intro good old times Stein- Hausen? biomes systems open questions
Hawaii 1985 intro good old times Stein- Hausen? biomes systems open questions
Hawaii 1985 intro good old times Stein- Hausen? biomes systems open questions
Who is Steinhausen? intro good old times ? intro good old times Stein- Hausen? biomes systems open questions
Who is Steinhausen? intro good old times Stein- Hausen? biomes systems open questions
The world according to Colin P. intro good old times Stein- Hausen? biomes systems open questions
The world according to Colin P. … ECHAM-3 intro good old times Stein- Hausen? biomes systems open questions
Biomisation of everything Claussen, 1994, 1997 intro good old times Stein- Hausen? biomes systems open questions
The surprise of multiple equilibria Claussen, 1994, 1997 intro good old times Stein- Hausen? biomes systems open questions
The climate system intro good old times Stein- Hausen? biomes systems open questions
The Earth system intro good old times Stein- Hausen? biomes systems open questions MPI-M MPI-C MPI-BGC PIK research partnership
Was hat es gebracht? Vegetation ist eine Zustandsvariable des Klima-/Erdsystems. Die terrestrische Biosphäre verhält sich anti-Gaia. Was machen die Böden? Landnutzung kühlt und wärmt das Klimasystem. Welcher Effekt überwiegt? Für welche Überraschungen ist die Vegetationsdynamik gut? intro good old times Stein- Hausen? biomes systems open questions