Who we are ….. NYS Thruway Authority Is a public corporation organized and existing pursuant to State Public Authorities Law, responsible for financing, constructing, improving, developing, maintaining, and operating a 570-mile superhighway that connects New York City and Buffalo. NYS Canal Corporation Is a subsidiary corporation under the NYSTA responsible for the operation, maintenance and promotion of four canals (Erie, Oswego, Champlain and Cayuga Seneca) that span 524 miles across New York State. This historic system links the Hudson River, Lake Champlain, Lake Ontario, the Finger Lakes, and the Niagara River.
Compliance Unit Ensures compliance with all federal and state rules and regulations. Assigns and monitors Disadvantaged, Minority and Women’s Business Enterprise (D/M/WBE) and Equal Employment Opportunity goals and Training Provisions on all construction contracts. Professional Service/Commodities NYSTA purchases numerous goods and services typically falling into one of three categories: NYSTA purchases numerous goods and services typically falling into one of three categories: 1. Professional/ Consulting 2. Construction/ Rehabilitation 3. Materials/ Supplies/ Services 3. Materials/ Supplies/ Services Materials/Supplies/Services: How to do Business with us
Total Estimated Procurement Next 6-9 Months Construction $134 Million Consultant $ 18 Million Professional Services/Commodities$ 6 Million Grand Total $158 Million Grand Total $158 Million Joint Venture In 2011, the NYSTA awarded painting of 12 Bridges in the Syracuse Division, to Liberty-Alpha JV, a joint venture that included over $4.6 million to WBE Alpha Painting and Construction Co., Inc.
The NYSTA and the Department of Transportation have released the list of qualified short-listed design/build consortiums for the new Tappan Zee Hudson River Crossing Project. The NYSTA and the Department of Transportation have released the list of qualified short-listed design/build consortiums for the new Tappan Zee Hudson River Crossing Project. Statements of Qualification were received from five design-build consortiums, and four internationally known groups were deemed qualified after a thorough multi-agency technical review. The qualified consortiums will have an opportunity to bid on the design and construction contract for the replacement bridge. Statements of Qualification were received from five design-build consortiums, and four internationally known groups were deemed qualified after a thorough multi-agency technical review. The qualified consortiums will have an opportunity to bid on the design and construction contract for the replacement bridge. TZ Bridge Replacement Project For further information on the TZ Bridge Replacement Project, please visit the website at:
Compliance Unit: Phone (518) Lawrence Norville, Chief Compliance Officer Pauline Fox-Jordan, Compliance Specialist Elonda Mackey, Compliance Specialist Linda Ploof, Compliance Specialist Bureau of Purchasing: Phone (518) Judith Jeffers-Taylor, M/WBE Program Liaison New York State Thruway Authority 200 Southern Boulevard Albany, New York Contact Information: