The Gospel Call To Love “Everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another” John 13:35
What is love? O We learn about love through our culture – our families, our friends and from the media O In your small group: List 3 movies, TV shows, websites, commercials, songs, books etc and explain what they teach (either directly or indirectly) about love.
Popular Love O What we learn from our culture is often what we define as “popular love” – “love at first sight”, passionate, is committed very quickly, is sometimes intimate very quickly O How does this compare to real-life love relationships you are aware of?
Infatuation Infatuation – a foolish, extravagant and unreasoning passion or attraction Infatuation is all-consuming and very intense It is an important stage to go through, especially for teenagers “It is even more important to know how to tell infatuation from love and judge your actions accordingly.”
?v=IlJFvxad1_A Why does our Culture send messages that self-gratification is more important than waiting for love?
Be With Me Read “Why Wait?” on page 87 together
h?v=BERIOlDTk2M How and why should we prepare and concentrate on being our best selves? How do we model LOVE as Jesus did in our relationships?
Read pages together and write down the 9 Characteristics of Christ-Like Love in a creative note. Use definitions.
The Gospel call to Love O Christ calls us to love for all people (dignity, respect, compassion, care) O Read John 13:31-35 – Christ calls this a New Commandment. This is major! O In your small groups: Read the scripture passages on the right and summarize what each one says. Using this information, write a definition of Christian love. O Romans 15:2 O Philippians 2:3-5 O Romans 5:8 O Proverbs 17:9-12 O Jeremiah 31:3 O John 3:16 O Matthew 20:25-28 O John 13:34 O John 15:12-17 O Luke 6:31 O Luke 6:35 O 1 Corinthians 13:4-8 O Ephesians 4:2 O 1 John 4:8, O Matthew 22:37-39