Robert Cormia Dolores Davison Isaac Escoto WELCOME TO THE FOOTHILL ACADEMIC SENATE
Academic and Professional Matters (aka the ) 1. Curriculum + pre-requisites. 2. Degree + certificate requisites. 3. Grading policies 4. Educational program development 5. Standards/policies regarding student preparation + success 6. College governance structures as related to faculty roles 7. Faculty roles in accreditation 8. Policies: faculty development 9. Processes: program review 10. Processes: planning + budget Plus 1 Other academic + professional matters as mutually agreed upon -Title 5, section (c)
FHDA Board Policy 2223 (1995) Consultation process for academic and professional matters: Primary Reliance Joint Development 1. Curriculum X 2. Degree and Certificate requirements: General Ed. and Program Specific X Units for degree X 3. Grading policies X 4. Educational Program Development X 5. Standards regarding student preparation and success X 6. Governance structures as related to faculty roles X 7. Faculty involvement in accreditation X 8. Policies for faculty professional development activities (other than contractual aspects) X 9. Policies for Program Review X 10. Processes for institutional planning and budget development X 11. Other Academic and Professional Issues : Whether primary reliance or joint development to be determined on an individual basis by the Board or its designee.
What Does All of This Mean? How do we ensure faculty primacy and joint development in these areas? Resolutions Discussions with and presentations to the board Committee work Liaisons with FA and other organizations Serving as the voice of academic and professional matters on campus in meetings with administration involving shared governance, tenure, budget decisions, and other matters
What Role Does the Senate Play? The Academic Senate is responsible for all areas of academic and professional matters, including curriculum, grading, and the like, but we are not an enforcement body, and we do not have the power to overrule the Board of Trustees (although they are unlikely to oppose us in areas that are areas of primary reliance and have to demonstrate legitimate reasons for doing so).
Areas where FA always consults with the Academic Senate § Tenure Evaluation §87663 (f) Faculty evaluation procedures § Faculty Service Areas The Senate works with FA in areas that are consultation areas to ensure collegiality; we hold liaison meetings, are involved in tenure committee training and evaluation committee meetings, have a liaison to the Senate who attends all meetings, and use other means of communication and consultation.
Foothill Academic Senate All faculty are members Not all faculty pay dues, although we encourage all to do so Each division entitled to two senators, regardless of size Senators comprise the executive committee Officers comprise the executive council Officers: Dolores Davison, president Isaac Escoto, VP/CC Co-Chair Robert Cormia, secretary/treasurer
Senator Responsibilities Attend meetings regularly Report senate activities to constituents, and actively solicit discussion and feedback Represent your division (not yourself) Vote Bring division matters to the senate (10+1) and author resolutions if appropriate Participate in committees and other groups around campus as a senate liaison or representative
Senate Procedures “Flexible” Robert’s Rules of Order Covered by Brown Act, so all meetings are open One week advance for agenda items Normally present action item as information item for first reading, except in cases of urgency Vote by proxy with three day advance in writing ( is fine) to the secretary Agendas are ed and posted to the AS website no later than the Thursday prior to a meeting
Senate Procedures Consent Calendar: for all appointments which need to be confirmed Any senator can pull an item off the consent calendar for discussion President’s Report: Information from the ASCCC (statewide Senate), Board of Trustees, and other information conveyed to the president to be shared Committee Reports: All committees are expected to report out to the Senate at least once a year Some committees, such as curriculum, will report out at all or most meetings. Committees should include the president and the secretary on distribution of minutes and agendas to ensure that they are posted. Committees are asked to send their current roster to the secretary for posting on the Senate website.
Senate Procedures: Resolutions Resolution process: guides the work of the academic senate streamlines communication with other senators, and with constituents Writing resolutions: Up to four “Whereas” clauses to present background, argument/rationale Up to four “Resolved” clauses to direct the academic senate to act Must be distributed (except in extraordinary circumstances) with the agendas, and come for first/second read before action as per Robert’s rules
Curriculum Committee The most important of the subcommittees of the Academic Senate Representation from all divisions but a single vote per division Co-chaired by the Vice President of Instruction and the Vice President of the Academic Senate Unique structure of the Foothill Curriculum Committee compared to others in the state, and need for reporting out of minutes and actions
Up Next for CCC Taking a look at our division curriculum committee structure Will continue to push forward with ADTs (Associate Degree for Transfer) Create process for validating pre-requisites already in place In depth training on stand-alone courses (give faculty a chance to work through CORs Course Outline of Record)
Other Committees Planning and Resource Council (PaRC) Workgroups: Operations and Planning Committee (OPC) Basic Skills Transfer Workforce Academic Integrity Committee Committee on Online Learning (COOL) Program Review Committee Professional Development Committee
District Committees Academic and Professional Matters (APM) Chancellor’s Advisory Council (CAC) District Budget Committee Human Resources Advisory Committee (HRAC)
Senate Goals Continue work in Learning Outcomes, Accreditation, Program Review, ADT Degrees (100% by ) Professional Development Student equity integration and Equity plans as a whole Equivalency processes and procedures for the district Increase participation in governance and other areas Continue dialogue with cabinet and other segments Work on succession planning for Senate
Resources Committee information, resolutions, papers, rostrum articles, etc From there you can get links to Ed Code and Title 5 – with search engines “Empowering Local Senates: Roles & Responsibilities of and Strategies for Effective Senates” (Spring 07)