Training & Development
Training Needs Identification Training – the process of teaching new employees the basic skills they need to perform their job. Development – learning that goes beyond today’s job and has more long-term focus. Training & Development- continuous effort designed to improve employee competency and organizational performance.
Purpose of Training The purpose of training and development is to make sure the employee are working towards organizational goal. It also needs in order to improved the employees performance in the organization.
Step in Training & Development Process Determining specific training & development needs Establishing specific training & development objectives Select the T&D method Implement the T&D Programs Evaluate T & D programs
Determining specific T & D needs A systematic approach to addressing the needs/ goal of the organization By analyze the: The workers Tasks given
Establishing specific T & D objectives Purpose Clear objectives must be formulate
Select the T & D methods On the Job Training(OJT) Apprenticeship Training Internships Role playing Business games Instructor- Led Case study Behavior modeling In- Basket Training Job rotation
Implement the T&D Programs Often difficult Feel they are too busy to engage in T & D efforts Qualified trainers must be available Requires high degrees of creativity
Evaluate T & D programs Measure the level of customer satisfaction Determine what participants (trainee) have learned Behavioral change; attitude, performance Get the feedback from the participants.
Training & Development methods On the Job Training(OJT) Apprenticeship Training Internships Role playing Business games Instructor- Led Case study Behavior modeling In- Basket Training Job rotation
On the Job Training(OJT) Training a person to learn a job while working on it. It is informal method that permits an employee to learn job task by actually performing them. Most firm use this method because it is inexpensive, no need the classroom or program learning device.
The advantages & Disadvantages Inexpensive, employee learn when producing , no need expensive off-site facilities Facilitates learning since trainees learn by doing & get quick feedback on their performance. Disadvantage - Low expectations on the trainer’s part may translate into poorer trainee performance.
Apprenticeship Training Combined classroom instruction with on-the-job training. It is a structured process by which people become a skilled workers. Traditionally used in craft jobs.
Internships Training approach where university students divide time between attending classes & working for organization Excellent means of viewing potential permanent employee at work. Students are enabled to integrate theory with practice.
Role playing T&D method where participants are required to respond to specific problems they may accouter in their jobs by acting out real-world situation. Used to teach such skills as: Interviewing Grievance handling Team problem solving communication Performance appraisal reviews conference leadership
Business games Permits participants to assume roles such as president, controller, or marketing vice president or two or more similar hypothetical organizations & complete against each other by manipulating selected factors in a particular business situation
Instructor- Led Continue to be effective for many types of employee training Convey great deal of information in relatively short time
Case study T&D method in which trainees study the information provided in the case & make decisions based on it Used in classroom with instructor who serves as facilitator
Behavior modeling T&D method which permits a person to learn by copying or replicating behaviors of others to handle various situations
In- Basket Training Exercise in which participant is asked to establish priorities for and then handle a number of business papers or email massage such as memoranda, reports and telephone massage that would be typically cross a manager’s desk.
Job rotation Employees move from one job to another broaden experience Helps new employees understand variety of jobs.
Training & Development Delivery System Corporate universities Colleges & universities Community colleges Video conferring Simulators Video media- video tapes, film Online higher education
Corporate universities Provide under umbrella of the organization Focus on creating organizational changes Proactive & strategic Growth attributed to universities’ flexibility
Colleges & universities Primary delivery system for training professional, technical & management employees Corporate training programs often partner with colleges & universities
Community colleges Publicly funded higher education establishment Delivery vocational training & associate degree programs
Videoconferencing Widely used in US Interactive & offers flexibility & spontaneity in classroom Used by global firms Increase access to training, ensure consistency of instruction & reduce cost of delivering T&D
Simulators Devices or programs that are located away from the job site and replicate actual jod demands Example: training of airline pilots in a simulators
Online higher education Educational opportunities including degree & training programs delivered either entirely or partially via the internet Allows employees to attend class at lunchtime Reduces commute to school
RESPONSIBILITY FOR TRAINING EMPLOYEES Employers who approve training policies and targets and provide the necessary funding Training/ HR departments who plan, organize, conduct and evaluate training programmes. Head of departments who determine which of their subordinate need training and assist in evaluating the effectiveness of the training Employees who participate in training efforts as learners The Government which encourage employers to offer training