August 18, 2014 Schoology: Access Code RVHM7-MKN76.


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Presentation transcript:

August 18, 2014 Schoology: Access Code RVHM7-MKN76

 Circle of Questions  What does it mean to “talk straight”?  How can you demonstrate respect in a relationship?  How do you define loyalty?  What makes a good teacher?  How do you make a nurturing atmosphere?  What does success look like?  How can you extend trust to an individual?

Master Teachers Well developed lessons, strong organization and management skills, create positive learning environment with high expectations Committed to Professional Growth Informed about current educational research regarding teaching and learning Team Leaders Positive attitude towards school and colleagues, informed, flexible and willing to share expertise Confident and Caring in their Craft Take a personal interest in their protégé and be sensitive to the needs of others

 Phases of a teaching career  Novice  Apprentice  Professional  Expert  Distinguished  Emeritus  Life Cycle of the Career Teacher by Steffy, Wolfe, Pasch, and Enz

 The process of how one grows  Reflection and renewal propels growth  Increase in competence

 Energy  Anticipation  Idealistic  Open to new ideas  Volunteer  Creative  Growth Oriented

 Unfortunately many leave (more than one-third) in the first few years.  lack of efficacy in the role of teacher  They feel overwhelmed  With proper support most can overcome this if they continue to reflect critically toward renewal and growth

New teachers typically go through a common series of developmental phases throughout the first year of their profession.  These phases and talking point suggestions are listed in detail in the handbook.

 Be Present  Be Honest  Be Open  Listen: with Empathy, without Judgment  Seek Understanding  View Learning as Mutual  Honor the Person  Honor the Process

 The first job of a leader is to inspire trust.  Latin proverb

Credibility integrity intent capabilities results

Talk Straight ( Be honest. Tell the truth. Where do you stand?) Demonstrate Respect (Genuinely care for others.) Create Transparency (Tell the truth in a way people can verify and have no hidden agendas.) Right Wrongs (Make things right when you are wrong.) Show Loyalty (Speak as if people were present.) Deliver Results (Establish a track record of results.) Get Better (Continuously improve.)

 Confront Reality (Take issues head on, even the “undiscussables.” Address the tough stuff directly.)  Clarify Expectations (Disclose and reveal expectations.)  Practice Accountability (Hold yourself and others accountable. Don’t blame others or point fingers when things go wrong.)  Listen First (Listen before you speak. Understand. Diagnose.)  Keep Commitments (Say what you’re going to do, then do what you say you’re gong to do.)  Extend Trust (Demonstrate a propensity to trust.)

1. Meet with Mentee- discuss lesson you will observe including:  Lesson objectives  What mentee would like you to look for… perhaps it will be one of the “try it” strategies from the book study. 2. Look at Farmington Framework Domains and determine which domain(s) the observation will address. 3. Determine how the mentee would like the data to be collected and recorded.  Scripting, Numeric Data, tally marks on a seating chart, etc. 4. Set time and date for observation 5. Record in Mentor Log (optional: You are professionals and we trust you.)

1. Take notes based on what was decided in the pre-conference 2. Use forms provided in the District Mentor Folder 3. Video Tape 4. Set time and date for post observation conference 5. Record in Mentor Log

 Share the data you collected with your mentee  Ask your mentee to share their thoughts regarding the data that was collected. Encourage him/her to reflect.  Decide on next action steps  Mentee to observe you (at least once)  Mentee to observe another teacher (1/2 day release)  Your offering/finding support based on needs  Record in Mentor Log

 Self-directed learning  STATES OF MIND  Flexibility  Efficacy  Craftsmanship  Consciousness  Interdependence

 Flexibility: Knowing one has and can develop options to consider and being willing to acknowledge and demonstrate respect for empathy for diverse perspectives. (Abrams, 2001) Abrams  Questions to Probe for a Flexibility issue: - “What might happen if you did it the other way?” - “How is this idea different from what you had in mind?” Source:

 Efficacy: Knowing that one has the capacity to make a difference and being willing and able to do so. (Abrams, 2001)Abrams  Questions to probe for an Efficacy issue: - "What did you think went well today?” - If you hear, “I can't deal with those kids,” ask, “What worked with them in the Past?” Source:

 Craftsmanship: Seeking precision, refinement and mastery. Striving for exactness of critical thought processes. (Abrams, 2001)Abrams  DO NOT JUMP TO GIVING SUGGESTIONS ABOUT HOW IT COULD BE TAUGHT  Questions to probe for a craftsmanship issue: - “What was the main thing you wanted the students to be able to do at the end?” - “Let’s talk about the criteria you used in the rubric.” Source:

 Consciousness: Monitoring one's own values, intentions, thoughts and behaviors and their effects. (Abrams, 2001)Abrams  Questions/ideas to probe for a consciousness issue:  "I noticed that when Brittany made a rude comment, you stopped and moved away from her. Can you recall what you were thinking?"  Video tape a lesson. This can help beginning teachers to assess their own level of consciousness in the classroom. Source:

 Interdependence: Contributing to a common good and using group resources to enhance personal effectiveness. (Abrams, 2001)Abrams  Statements that indicate an interdependence issue:  “I skipped the meeting because I just had way too much work to do.”  “I feel like I am doing all the work at my grade level meetings."   Questions to probe for an interdependence issue:  “How might you find ways to get more help at team meetings?”  “Who could you work with to accomplish…?” Source:

 Coaching,  Collaborating,  Consulting,  and Evaluating

 Solve instructional problems; learn together

 Increase pedagogical and content knowledge and skills

 Judge and rate performance  This is NOT our job.

 Today- meet with your mentee,  Explain your role and goals, what the mentor program involves- everyday help/ support, observations, and reflective dialogue.  Touch base with your mentee weekly (stop by classroom, , call, etc.)  Arrange at least 3 observations of new teachers (fewer are necessary for non-first year teacher)  Arrange for mentee to observe mentor’s classroom.  LOG ALL MEETINGS…FORMAL and INFORMAL  Use Excel  Form in Mentors’ Handbook

 LISTEN and ask the right questions  You do not have to have all the answers  Align instructional support  Help to apply best practices to daily classroom routines  Coordination within school and without  Within department  Consistent and aligned  Mentor and principal 29

 Plan early lessons together  Present demonstration lessons  Review lesson plans and provide feedback  Plan assessments together  Provide feedback for teachers lessons: movement, effective voice, appearance, etc.  Assist teacher in finding and using school equipment 30

 Go through your building goals with your mentee  Help mentee align his/her professional goals with the building goals  Familiarize your mentee with your building’s literacy goals  Talk about what resources your mentee will need to achieve his/her professional goals  Help mentee find the resources he/she needs throughout the year

 Suggestions for use  Areas of Focus during Observation  Discussion Topics during Reflective Discussion  Remember it is not your job to evaluate your mentee.  Evaluation may limit the openness between you and your mentee and diminish your relationship and effectiveness

 Demonstrating knowledge of content and pedagogy  Demonstrating knowledge of students  Selecting instructional goals  Demonstrating knowledge of Resources  Designing coherent instruction  Assessing student learning

 Creating an environment of respect and rapport  Establishing a culture for learning  Managing classroom procedures  Managing student behavior  Organizing physical space

 Communicating clearly and accurately  Using questioning and discussion techniques  Engaging students in learning  Providing feedback to students  Demonstrating flexibility and responsiveness

 Reflecting on teaching  Maintaining accurate records  Communicating with families  Contributing to the school and district  Growing and developing professionally  Showing professionalism

 Schoology: Access Code RVHM7-MKN76  Handbook  Pre and Post Observation Forms and Questions  Charlotte Danielson Framework  Circle of Questions  Open Mentor Discussion Forum  States of Mind: University of Virginia

 Mentee keeps all paperwork associated with the planning and observations.  This increases trust in the Mentor/Mentee relationship.

 Life Cycle of the Career Teacher by Steffy, Wolfe, Pasch, And Enz  Cognitive Coaching  The Speed of Trust by Stephen M. R. Covey