How to create an account on
Open a web browser (e.g. Mozilla Firefox or Internet Explorer) and type in the address bar, then press enter. You will be taken to the myguide website:
Click Register to create your free account.
You will be presented with two options to register. Choose the first option to “Register and get a myguide address”, unless you already have a personal address you’d like to use.
1. Fill in the form by entering your details. 4. Click the Register button to finish. 3. The centre number you need to enter is You may want to write down your password so you don’t forget it.
If you see the confirmation page - congratulations, you’re nearly done. Take a note of your myguide username and address, you’ll need to remember these. To continue, click “Get started”.
Now you’ve created an account, you can use your username and password to login.
Once logged in, you should be asked for a tutor address. Enter Chris’ address twice, then click Continue.
Congratulations - if you see the “Welcome” message with your name in the top right, you’ve successfully registered and logged in to myguide and can begin learning.