YAMMER Master guidelines
Overview Understanding What is Yammer? Getting set up on Yammer Understanding the basics: how it works / the system Working out the basics: how to make it work for you / your practice Working it out further: how to make it work for us all / our Yammer etiquette Working it up and out: for advanced users … At events – Yammer workshop etiquette Some examples: Yammer use cases Additional info: troubleshooting, guidelines & help
1. What is Yammer?
1. What is Yammer Yammer is a corporate social network It was originally set up to help organizations: Share information among staff and partners (updates, current work, important outputs etc.) Discuss different issues outside email Plan events Network / build a team (through conversations, likes and praises)
2. Getting set up
2. Getting set up Create an account (on invitation) Update your profile Include your center name in the job title field in your profile Add a picture of yourself Set your notifications and direct messages to get for each network you are part of Set your applications and preferences In details…
(based on an invitation) Create an account (based on an invitation) Accept the invitation
Create an account Fill out all the details Choose a strong password which you can remember Indicate your centre / organization in the job title field Then press ‘next’
Create an account Join groups which you think will be useful to you / where you would like to engage with others Don’t start a group straight away, see if existing ones cater for your need Then press ‘next’
Create an account Add a photo (from your files) to give yourself a face for others. It makes Yammer more ‘human’.
Create an account You may (you don’t have to) decide to download and use Yammer via the desktop application
Create an account Check the welcome message you receive upon entering Yammer
Create an account You are now set and ready to use Yammer!
Update your profile (mention your CG center and position) 2. Edit profile 1. Click my profile
Include your center name in the job title field in your profile
Add a picture of yourself 2. Choose a picture file on your computer 1. Click Basics (while editing your profile) Add a picture of yourself
Set your notifications New notifications are displayed in this icon 1. Click Notifications (while editing your profile) Set your notifications (per network) 2. Select digests’ frequency (summary of Yammer network messages by email) 3. Select what changes you want to be notified about
What direct messages do I want to receive? 1. Click ‘subscribe to feeds’ to open this menu In a community or network: get mentions get messages (unless huge numbers) 2. Select what messages to receive by email or else
Select your applications (phone etc.) and other preferences
3. Understanding the basics: how it works / the system
Where you can check all networks you belong to Where you read important notifications and private messages Where you share updates (simple updates, polls, praises, questions and events) Where you find & can edit your profile Where it all happens: the news stream (updates from the people you follow)
3. Basics: How it works (the system) Work across closed groups (CGIAR only) and open networks Follow others to see their updates Share updates about interesting work, links, questions, events, documents etc. Send each other direct messages for private conversations Upload files, pictures, videos, add links, and create pages (to keep important information) Follow the flow of messages on various media: on the web, via email, on a smartphone…
Work across open networks and closed groups (CGIAR only)
Follow others to see their updates (select who you follow!) BE SELECTIVE WHO TO FOLLOW
Share updates about interesting work, polls, links, questions, events etc
Send each other direct messages for private conversations 1. Select who you want to write to (multiple recipients possible) 2. Type your message in the main box
Upload files, pictures, videos and create pages (to keep important information)
Create pages (to keep important information) 2. Create a page 1. Select ‘pages’ in your apps menu
Through various ‘applications’ (under your profile) Follow the flow of messages on various media: on the web, via email, on a smartphone… Through various ‘applications’ (under your profile)
3. Basics: How it works (the system) Use Topics (with # e.g. #innovation) to find all content and conversations related to specific topics Notify People can be notified when they’re mentioned with @ (e.g. @eleborgne). Just typing name suffices (Yammer turns them into links) Find all content collections links, topics, files etc. in one place And again: Having an updated profile matters to know who is who – update your profile! Notifications help manage traffic: adjust your account’s notifications for each of your networks
Find common topics Use Topics (keywords) They help find all content related to specific topics. Add a topic to a message with # (e.g. #Yammer)
Notify people when it concerns them
Find all content collections in one place
4. Working out the basics: how to make it work for you / your practice
4. Basics: How to make it work (your practice) Active listening: Follow and learn Follow people that matter, that you know or like If you follow people you will receive emails when they post (change your notification settings?) Follow specific people rather than everyone? Join networks (open) and groups (only for CGIAR staff) that are relevant for you Follow the flow of updates Ask yourself what you like and don’t like about it: Reflect, learn new stuff and learn how to learn more…
4. Basics: How to make it work (your practice) Active engagement: Engage and converse Post (relevant) updates on new documents, events, ideas Share summaries of important events you’re attending Ask questions, seek feedback and ideas React to what others post: reply, like, (very) occasionally praise people you admire Make Yammer a conversation space!
5. Working it out further: how to make it work for us all / Our Yammer etiquette
5. How to make it work for us all (Our Yammer etiquette) Lurking (active listening) is normal But for Yammer to work we must all engage It requires trust (in oneself and others) Get trained or coached? We need to understand the value to invest in Yammer But the value comes from practice and feedback
5. How to make it work for us all (Our Yammer etiquette) Do’s Update on activities, resources, events Comment others’ work Ask questions Be constructive, not condescending Don’ts Post irrelevant status updates – I am eating now, I just had a fabulous… ‘Like’ resources without reading them first and providing comments why you like them Accuse or blame people publicly
5. How to make it work for us all (Our Yammer etiquette) Do’s Post short, crisp, focused updates Follow Yammer updates at least (digest!) Provide feedback to improve Yammer Post regularly Invite others to post and help them Don’ts Monopolize the space Be impatient: it takes time to master Yammer (alone and collectively) Condemn Yammer without giving it a try
5. How to make it work for us all (Our Yammer etiquette) Yammer is only one of many engagement tools It’s good for conversations, questions, reactions It’s not so powerful for filing documents, workflows, coordinated work (use wikis instead!) It works more powerfully in combination with other tools (blogs, wikis, CG Space, Twitter, FlickR, YouTube) and link from Yammer to the other tools
6. Working it up and out: for advanced users
6. For advanced users Help yourself: help others creatively Provide important information on specific pages? Develop simple and useful tutorials for your team? Buddy someone else on Yammer? Coach your colleagues? Organize Yam-Jams? Consider creating groups? Assess the use and usefulness of Yammer? Invite others to use Yammer (if CG staff, invite them to the main CGIAR network before any other network!)
7. At events Yammer workshop etiquette
How to use yammer for workshops Yammer is a good tool for synthesizing information from workshops and sharing with those who are not there. However, many scientists are concerned that there words will be taken out of context or repeated. Therefore, the focus of using yammer should be on synthesizing workshops on Daily/half daily basis
Do’s and Don’ts Do’s Don’ts Provide a half-daily or daily synthesis of 1 to 2 posts 1 post 1 thought Summarize and synthesize into crisp summaries Refer to notes on another page, wiki or document Posts should not be long. 4-5 sentences maximum If you want to post more use the comment tool or make another post Do not transcribe verbatim what people say Don’t quote people Do not make Yammer the ‘notes’ for the meeting.
Short synthesis posts are good Don’t make too long Do not quote people or provide notes of meetings
8. Some examples? Yammer case studies
Yammer use case: network Nile Basin Development Challenge (CPWF): Working together as one program 5 projects under the banner with different aims All communicating via Yammer and sharing important issues for all Connecting with the program wiki and blog to keep everyone up to date Summaries of events on the wiki Mapping important partners and events
Yammer use case: network Comms4Uptake network (CPWF): a peer-support network to find concrete solutions Monthly peer assists around practical problems faced by one person across 5 basins Full documentation and planning on Yammer Finding solutions that help everyone Sharing challenges and ideas around ‘engaging research comms process for engaging science’ Organizing a series of online meetings to plan documentation of the phase 2
Yammer use case: group ILRI engineering: Sharing information and building a team Little exchange before New members trained on Yammer All keeping each other posted about their activities Fastening the learning pace for newcomers New team dynamics with vibrant exchanges Giving new ideas to work as a team face-to-face as well
Yammer use case: individuals Olive Thiong’o posts about farmer-to-farmer learning experiences in Tanzania 4 people share questions and answers and references about this and find out about wider CCAFS work that is ongoing Ewen Le Borgne looks for references on impact assessment across CGIAR References from 12 CG centres come in 1.5 days Bernhard Hack talks about the ICARDA KM retreat and ‘putting focus back on Drupal’ 21 messages from 14 participants in 3 days Tezira Lore encounters a problem on Wordpress and is asking for troubleshooting help 6 people in a conversation leading to an IT solution (e.g.) Maren Radeny has joined Yammer 6 people welcome her! Great to catch up with someone you’ve known for a while!
9. More information? Troubleshooting, guidance and help
Troubleshooting Lost your password? Can’t open a Yammer page? Go to www.yammer.com and click ‘Forgot password?’ and write your password somewhere safe for next time Can’t open a Yammer page? Your connection might not be good enough. Try later or with a better Internet connection Overwhelmed with Yammer messages? Set your notifications better Mind not to delete your account (you cannot recover it!)
More guidance information? Yammer network usage policy Yammer essentials page 3 short and useful Yammer video tutorials: http://www.screencast.com/t/iGGeCnlysVCu (basics) http://www.screencast.com/t/LcCk0aV7IDTm (other posting options) http://www.screencast.com/t/9Tax4zczUc6i (notification settings) Tinkering with tools: What’s up with Yammer? A reflexive blog post about the CGIAR's use of Yammer and links to further resources.
More human help? Power Yammer users: Peter Ballantyne (ILRI) head of Knowledge Management & Information Services Michael Victor (CPWF/CRP 5) Comms coordinator Simone Staiger-Rivas (CIAT) Leader of capacity strengthening and knowledge management Susan MacMillan (ILRI) Head of Public Awareness Jeremy Cherfas (Bioversity) Senior science writer Tsehay Gashaw (ILRI) Web communications officer Ewen Le Borgne (ILRI) Knowledge sharing and communication specialist
Purpose of network x Yammer The overall goal is to provide a platform where easy to inform and discuss different issues outside email Specific objectives Allow partners to easily contact one another Provide regular updates on new CRP5 events Enable discussions on different aspects of the program Mobilize partners