Create programs that respond to industry needs in Energy sector. Increase program accessibility Online certificates and degrees Mobile learning labs Compressed site training Student job & internship placements
7 online courses developed in WQM Online/hybrid associates degree plans complete Increased program accessibility with Moblie Lab (pilot w/f2f classes this fall) Outreach to CMC, MCC, OJC to bring lab to their facilities
Mobile learning labs – mechanical, electrical, welding (specific to oil/gas and mining industries) as well as Mining Safety. Industry partnerships – incumbent workers Planned – online/hybrid certificates in mine safety health administration, welding, mechanical systems, electrical systems, and first responder training.
Curriculum designed with industry Plans – power/smart grid certificate, basic technology for manufacturing and energy certificate, electrical/electronic systems certificate - short-term online/hybrid delivery
First online certificate plan finished Planned – AAS in oil and gas + 3 certificates that build to that AAS developmental education pathway to career math (required for AAS Oil/Gas program). Building mobile lab Oil/gas workers can work as they train.
First course delivered online (Intro to Wind) Proposed Wind Energy Technician Associates Degree – first year delivered in hybrid format ▪ Condensed weekend site training ▪ Student will be certified in safety after first year. Strong partnerships Workforce & Contextualized Dev Ed for program prerequisites
Proposed: One year certificate – online/hybrid ▪ Trinidad based with San Isabel Electric One semester certificate – online/hybrid ▪ Colorado Springs based with CO Springs Utility
Planned – AAS degree in Integrated Energy and Instrumentation online Build on existing certificate in solar energy and AAS degree in process technology by using a mobile lab to train students
What is going well with your energy program? What challenges are you finding with your project? Are there any barriers to your work? What is your current timeline? What should we all expect to see from your team immediately and in the next year? What other questions do you have about your college energy project?