Tracy Hatch Chief Financial Officer
Rochester Maintenance Facility & District HQ $16.1M request for Trunk Highway bonds Phase 2 will remodel 94,000 SF of the existing headquarters for office space, conference space, and materials lab appropriation of $1.4M for design work 2010 appropriation of $26.43M for site preparation and construction of maintenance facility
Willmar Maintenance Facility $7.5M request for Trunk Highway fund Construction of a 32,200 square foot addition to the existing Willmar District Headquarters Building Additional vehicle storage New truck wash Enlarged and improved inventory area and radio shop New training room 2010 Appropriation of for schematic, design development and investigative site work.
Plymouth Truck Station $5.6M request for Trunk Highway fund Approx. 30,000 square foot truck station facility: vehicle storage Offices & crew facilities inventory center truck wash bay The project will replace an existing building constructed in the 1960s Appropriation for schematic, design development and site investigative portions
Cambridge Truck Station $3.3M request from Trunk Highway fund New truck station and vehicle maintenance facility 12,000 square foot truck station facility will contain offices, maintenance shop, vehicle support, inventory space, storage spaces, and mechanics work bays Additional site improvements may include a salt storage shelter, brine production building, and an unheated storage building, as budget allows. Existing MnDOT facility will be disposed of following appropriate regulations.
Design Fees: Crookston HQ, Eden Prairie TS and Mendota TS $1.1M request from Trunk Highway Fund 3 projects Investigative site work, schematic, design development, and construction document design services for: Crookston HQ building - $300,000 Eden Prairie Truck Station - $400,000 Mendota Truck Station - $400,000
Local Bridge Replacement $25M request for GO bonds When capital request was initially submitted, there were 960 deficient local bridges identified by local agencies as priorities for replacement this biennium Leveraging $50M (federal, CSAH, MSAS, & local) Replace approximately 80 local bridges at an average bridge replacement cost of $310,000
Local Bridge Replacement Funds are used in two ways: 1.Leverage or supplement other types of bridge replacement funding 2.Provide funds for bridges that have no other source of federal aid or state aid funds County roads City street system Less than 20 feet
Greater Minnesota Transit $10M in GO bonds Construct a multimodal transportation terminal in Duluth Remodel former district office in Mankato into a bus maintenance and storage facility Construction of an operations center office and additional vehicle storage in St. Cloud $2.222M - Local Gov’t Match for Gr. MN Transit
Highway/Railroad Grade Crossing Warning Devices Replacement $2.5M request for GO bonds Replacement of approximately 10 signals 1,300 grade crossing signals in the State Signals have a 20 year life span Antiquated signal systems have a greater likelihood of malfunction due to age
Port Development Assistance $3M request for GO bonds Supports infrastructure needs of Minnesota’s public ports on the Great Lakes and Inland River Navigation Systems Partnership program to improve freight handling efficiency on Minnesota’s commercial waterway systems Typically 80 percent state grants and 20 percent local share from the public port authority ( $600K Local Gov’t Match)
Tracy Hatch Chief Financial Officer