O-KEY (Orange Key) COMPUTER ACCOUNT ACTIVATION On Campus: Ask Staff for a Guest Logon From Home: Access O-Key Account at: Continue: Campus / Home: click “O-Key Account Activation” Enter personal information. (International students without a SSN enter last 5 digits of the OSU ID number) Complete the following steps: 1. Write down username. 2. Choose generic password or ►► type your own password: 8-16 characters, at least 1 UPPERCASE letter, 1 lower case letter, at least 1 number, no dictionary words. 3. Answer challenge question. 4. Provide contact information. 5. Select OSU name from options, example 6. Select OSU or alternate for forwarding. 7. Confirm OSU . Important: Use Complete Address (ID) and Password to login on & off campus! ► / UserID: ► Password: __________________ [Prizm / BlackBoard Username: ________________ Password: ______________________ ] ► Check OSU at: Need Help ? OVER G:\library handouts\current\okey account activation Summer 06 Temp.ppt O-KEY (Orange Key) COMPUTER ACCOUNT ACTIVATION On Campus: Ask Staff for a Guest Logon From Home: Access O-Key Account at: Continue: Campus / Home: click “O-Key Account Activation” Enter personal information. (International students without a SSN enter last 5 digits of the OSU ID number) Complete the following steps: 1. Write down username. 2. Choose generic password or ►► type your own password: 8-16 characters, at least 1 UPPERCASE letter, 1 lower case letter, at least 1 number, no dictionary words. 3. Answer challenge question. 4. Provide contact information. 5. Select OSU name from options, example 6. Select OSU or alternate for forwarding. 7. Confirm OSU . Important: Use Complete Address (ID) and Password to login on & off campus! ► / UserID: ► Password: __________________ [Prizm / BlackBoard Username: ________________ Password: ______________________ ] ► Check OSU at: Need Help ? OVER G:\library handouts\current\okey account activation Summer 06 Temp.ppt
►Visit the OSU Tulsa Library at (Access journal databases, library catalog, eBooks, online services) From Home: Go to library home page: click OFF-Campus Access, login with full address [ ex: ] and password. On Campus: Ctrl-Alt-Del, => enter full [username] and password. ►A. Journal Research Process: Proceed to Journals/Databases, then Journals by Subject 1. Select database(s) by subject – General, Education, Health, Business, etc. 2. Search by subjects (if available) and / or keyword(s) and phrases. 3. Evaluate search and refine search. ►B. Finding Full Text Documents (from journal article citations/references): 1. If full text (Html or Pdf) is available: =>Print, , download. 2. Full text Not in this database? =>Consult Journals by Title list for other sources of full text. 3. No electronic version available? =>Check library catalog for journal title in print or microfiche. 4. Journal is NOT at OSU Tulsa? =>Fill out online Interlibrary Loan (ILL ) form for materials. from other libraries. Call for help at (reference desk) or (computing problems) Create user profiles in Interlibrary Loan (ILL) and RefWorks Citation Manager (downloads, stores & manages reference citations, creates bibliographies in many citation styles) ►Visit the OSU Tulsa Library at (Access journal databases, library catalog, eBooks, online services) From Home: Go to library home page: click OFF-Campus Access, login with full address [ ex: ] and password. On Campus: Ctrl-Alt-Del, => enter full [username] and password. ►A. Journal Research Process: Proceed to Journals/Databases, then Journals by Subject 1. Select database(s) by subject – General, Education, Health, Business, etc. 2. Search by subjects (if available) and / or keyword(s) and phrases. 3. Evaluate search and refine search. ►B. Finding Full Text Documents (from journal article citations/references): 1. If full text (Html or Pdf) is available: =>Print, , download. 2. Full text Not in this database? =>Consult Journals by Title list for other sources of full text. 3. No electronic version available? =>Check library catalog for journal title in print or microfiche. 4. Journal is NOT at OSU Tulsa? =>Fill out online Interlibrary Loan (ILL ) form for materials. from other libraries. Call for help at (reference desk) or (computing problems) Create user profiles in Interlibrary Loan (ILL) and RefWorks Citation Manager (downloads, stores & manages reference citations, creates bibliographies in many citation styles)