The Online Learning Imperative and an Update on the Digital Learning Council Bob Wise, President Alliance for Excellent Education November 16, 2010
Challenges in America’s K-12 Education System Three Looming Crises: 1.Declining State Fiscal Revenues 2.Mounting Teacher Shortages 3.Increased Global Demands for Skilled Workers
Challenge 1. Declining State Fiscal Revenues… Source: Boyd, Donald J. What Will Happen to State Budgets When the Money Runs Out? Issue brief. The Nelson A. Rockefeller Institute of Government, 19 Feb Web. 1 Oct
In FY2009, general fund expenditures were $657.9 billion. In FY 2010, general fund expenditures were $612.9 billion. The Fiscal Survey of the States, June 2010; National Association of State Budget Officers and the National Governors Association. States Have Drastically Reduced Spending
Example: Online Learning in Wisconsin Per Pupil Cost of Schooling Traditional System: National Average = $10,000 Wisconsin's Virtual System = $6,500
Challenge 2: Mounting Teacher Shortages Source: National Center for Education Statistics, Projections of Education Statistics to 2017 (NCES ) (Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Education, September 2008). The nation faces a supply issue…
In the typical teacher had 15 years of experience. Challenge 2: Mounting Teacher Shortages… Source: National Center for Education Statistics, Projections of Education Statistics to 2017 (NCES ) (Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Education, September 2008); K. Smith, National Commission on Teaching and America’s Future. Presentation to Arkansas AACTE-NEA Meeting, May 14, There is a significant drop in experience in the classroom.
By the typical teacher had just 1 to 2 years of experience. Challenge 2: Mounting Teacher Shortages… Source: National Center for Education Statistics, Projections of Education Statistics to 2017 (NCES ) (Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Education, September 2008); K. Smith, National Commission on Teaching and America’s Future. Presentation to Arkansas AACTE-NEA Meeting, May 14, There is a significant drop in experience in the classroom.
…and Finding the Right Teachers 440 high schools 88 qualified physics teachers
Challenge 3: Increased Global Demands for Skilled Workers… Percent change Tasks carried out by the American workforce Source: Author, Levy, and Murnane 2003.
Georgetown University Center on Education and the Workforce, December 2009 There Is Growing Demand For An Increasingly Educated Workforce Workforce job requirements, by education level Graduate degree Some college HS diploma HS dropouts Associate’s degree Bachelor’s degree
Opportunity…Provide Students With Access to Quality Learning Personalize instruction and make it more relevant Improve access to courses that prepare students for college
Launched in August 2010 Co-chaired by former Governors Jeb Bush of Florida and Bob Wise of West Virginia Council’s goals are to identify and promote policies that promote technological innovations and spark transformational change in public education. The Digital Learning Council
A diverse group of leaders representing: Education Government Philanthropy Technology Business Public Policy Think Tanks. Who is the Digital Learning Council?
Council members have been regularly meeting online to debate the best strategies for digital change in public education. The DLC is Setting the Example
Online and virtual schools Personalized learning Blended learning Social networking The latest technological classroom tools And many, many more. Types of Digital Learning Being Discussed
Access for all students Funding of innovative technology Encouraging high quality digital content and instruction Effectively utilizing providers Promotion and giving students credit The best ways to provide accountability Issues the Council Will Promote
On December 1, 2010 in Washington, DC Convened by Governor Jeb Bush and Governor Bob Wise Announce 10 elements to guide states on policies and best practices to promote high quality digital learning and turn educational challenges into opportunities. UPCOMING SUMMIT
Bold and transformational Comprehensive by including all types of digital learning State-focused towards laws and policies at that level that promote digital learning The elements are all measurable They form a long-term roadmap for states. The Guiding Principles of the 10 Elements
Three out of every ten students do not graduate from high school. The Challenge for the Nation Source: EPE 2007; Greene 2002 About half of those who graduate are not college- and work-ready.
The Choice: Be boldly innovative Or badly irrelevant
Governor Bob Wise Alliance for Excellent Education Governor Jeb Bush Foundation for Excellence in Education in Education